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How big of a knife can a 15 year old carry?

How big of a knife can a 15 year old carry?

There is no age restriction, but there are laws that govern carrying a knife. A common pocketknife that is under four inches is legal to carry, provided its not a fixed blade. Anything larger is illegal and considered carrying a concealed weapon…

Can a minor open carry a knife in California?

Originally Answered: In California, can minors carry pocket knives legally? Yes. In fact, there is no restriction on blade length either, so you can carry as large knife as you wish.

How big of a knife can a 14 year old carry?

According to federal and state laws, ordinary pocketknives (as defined above) are generally legal for minors under 18 to possess and buy. Other types of pocket knives, such as automatics, switchblades, or knives with blades longer than 2.5 inches, are either a grey area or undoubtedly illegal.

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How old do you have to be to carry a knife in California?

There is no such age when it become legal. However, the real issue is now long is the blade and how the knife is carried without being illegal.

Are Bowie knives legal in California?

In California, the knife laws are considered some of the strictest in the country. Throughout the state, it is considered legal to purchase and carry any knife that is under two inches in length. Some other knives that are legal within the state include: Bowie knives.

Can I carry a knife in my car in California?

There is only one California statute which specifically references knives in vehicles. You cannot carry a switchblade with a blade 2” or more in length in a vehicle. It is illegal to have a fixed-blade knife concealed on your person, but that is true whether or not you are in a vehicle.

What size knife is legal to carry in CA?

2 inches
A. In the State of California, there is no maximum length for knives in general. However, the maximum legal length for a switchblade knife is 2 inches. Additionally, it is illegal to carry daggers or dirks concealed, and also illegal to carry many types of knives which are designed for concealment.

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Is a Bowie knife legal in California?