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How can a code word be used to calm a child?

How can a code word be used to calm a child?

Code words can be a great tool for helping kids get a handle on their brain. If your child tends to melt down when she gets hungry or tired, for example, you can raise her awareness to that by having a code word to use when you notice that she’s starting to lose control.

How do you use code words?

Use code words For example, a child could call and say, “my eyes are burning” or “my stomach feels strange.” When they use the agreed upon code phrase, you know your child can’t tell you what’s really wrong, but they need to be picked up right away. Code words may be used for other dangerous situations as well.

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What are some good family code words to keep kids safe?

Kid Power points out that another example of a family code word to keep children safe is by using the word “octopus.” While Squidward from Spongebob Squarepants might be a bit annoyed that the family in question came up with that idea, it is pretty brilliant because let’s face it, it’s not that likely that someone is going to guess it.

What are secret codes for kids?

Secret codes are great way to encourage writing and they also build your children’s abstract thinking skills. And as a bonus it’s great way to build that parent/child relationship. YES! “Secret Codes For Kids” introduces 5 fun ciphers. Each code has an instruction sheet and a fun activity page.

What are some fun codes for kids to learn?

Fun with secret codes for kids Morse Code. Morse code converts letters and numbers into a series of dots and dashes (sometimes called dits and dahs). Pigpen Cipher. The Pigpen cipher is a simple but fun substitution cipher. Every letter of the alphabet is paired with a… Caesar Shift Cipher. The

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How to leave secret code notes for your kids?

Here are the instructions. Try leaving secret code notes for for your kids in unexpected places –Write them on sticky notes and leave them on a drinking glass, water bottle, under a pillow, in a book, or on a swing. Use them to announce surprises, unexpected fun trips, or ice cream runs.