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How can I become a OTM consultant?

How can I become a OTM consultant?

Bachelor’s or Master’s degree or equivalent education or experience. Product or technical expertise relevant to practice focus. Collaborative experience with fellow local and remote team members. Ability to build a long-term rapport and trust with customer contacts.

What is OTM skill?

MEANING OF SKILL, OFFICE TECHNOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT (OTM) AND UNEMPLOYMENT. A skill is defined by Ekpenyong (1988) as the ability to use one’s knowledge effectively and. readily in execution of performance; technical expertness, a power or habit of doing any. particular thing competently.

Does Oracle have a TMS?

Combining ease of use with industry-leading capabilities, Oracle Transportation Management enables you to run your logistics operations more efficiently, reduce freight costs and optimize service levels. …

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What does OTM mean in Oracle?

Oracle Transportation Management (OTM) provides a single platform for companies to manage all transportation activity throughout their supply chains.

What is Oracle OTM consultant?

The OTM Consulting practice is a team of OTM functional and technical specialists located across Europe whose broad objective is to assist companies in the implementation of their TMS solution based on OTM.

Who is an office technology manager?

OTM protects the intellectual property using the appropriate mechanism (e.g. filing a patent, registering a copyright, etc.). Administers and oversees all financial issues related to technology management. Manages and negotiates all material transfer and certain non-disclosure agreements.

What subjects are needed for office technology and management?

The five credits must be English Language and Mathematics and any three of the following: Business Methods, Commerce, Economics, Typewriting, Shorthand, Principles of Accounts, Literature in English, Geography, Government, Religious Knowledge, Biology/Agriculture Science, for the National Diploma and Diploma.

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Which course is OTM?

The National Diploma in Office Technology/and Management is a two-year programme designed to equip students with Secretarial/Office skills for employment in various fields of endeavour. Students of this programme are exposed to courses in their special areas as well as courses in general education.

How many years does it take to study office technology and management?

The Higher National Diploma in Office Technology/and Management is a two-year programme designed to equip students with Secretarial/Office skills for employment in various fields of endeavour. Students of this programme are exposed to courses in their special areas as well as courses in general education.