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How can I change my mobile number in EB?

How can I change my mobile number in EB?

How can i add my mobile number to Tneb online?

  1. Open mobile numbe update form.
  2. Select your region code.
  3. Write your TNEB consumer number.
  4. Write the receipt number of your last TNEB payment.
  5. Enter the date of payment of last TNEB bill.
  6. Enter the mobile number that you want to update.
  7. Click on Submit button.

How can I register my mobile number in Kseb?

Register your mobile number/ e-mail for getting alerts on bill information and power outages from KSEB. Enter valid 13 digits Orumanet consumer number and bill number for validation. After successful validation, you will get a registration window showing the mobile number and email id box.

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How can I remove mobile number from MSEB?

Removing a Consumer Number from your Account

  1. Select a consumer number that you want to remove from the list of consumer numbers in your account.
  2. Click Remove. A “Are you sure you want to remove the consumer no” message is displayed.
  3. Click OK, to remove the consumer number from the list.

How can I add my mobile number to Tneb online?

How to Register Mobile Number with TNEB

  1. Open TANGEDCO web portal. Visit the official website of Tamil Nadu Electricity Board TANGEDCO at www.tangedco.gov.in.
  2. Click Billing.
  3. Select Region.
  4. Enter Mobile Number.
  5. Complete Registration.

How can I get my Kseb new consumer number?

KSEB Consumer Number Format|KSEB. Consumer number is a unique 13 digit number,will be on your Bill (printed below the bar code), it has 13 digits and starts with 11. The last five digits would be usually written below the KSEB’s Energy meter at your home.

How can I change my mobile number in Mseb electricity bill?

However, consumers who want to change their mobile number, or register a new number, can call the toll free numbers 1912 or 1800-102-3435 and 1800-233-3435, which are open 24 hours a day or log on to https://pro.mahadiscom.in/ConsumerInfo/consumer.jsp or use MSEDCL mobile app.

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How do I disconnect my electricity connection?

Procedure for Permanent Disconnection on request of consumer Consumer has to submit a affidavit on Notary Stamp Paper of Rs. 10, stating the reason of permanent disconnection to the Area Executive Engineer, Distribution Division along with copy of the latest Bill.

How can I add my Tneb consumer number?

Mobile Number Registration / Updation Portal

  1. Service Connection Number * (Enter Service connection number without Region code)
  2. Enter your Transaction Receipt Number: *
  3. Enter Mobile Number *

How do I update my EB reading online?

Login to tnebnet.org and then go to Update profile option. There, you can change your email id in TNEB payment account.

Where can I find my consumer number in Tneb?

How to find TNEB consumer number? Your consumer number is a service number that you can find on the white meter card on the previous receipt of the TNEB bill.