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How can I change my project in TCS?

How can I change my project in TCS?

Changing a project in TCS is more difficult then Switching to a New company. You can ask supervisor/manager for release, if you get released from project then RMG will allocate you to same type of project, Suppose you are from a client project then you will be allocated to a client project.

What is the waiting time for a fresher to join TCS?

This waiting time may range from 2 days to 1 month, maybe more. Till… , BE Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Science, D Y Patil College of Engineering and Technology, Kolhapur (20… Whenever fresher join tcs, they are reporting to the RMG group in TCS .

How can I increase my T factor to 5 in TCS?

After clearing milestone, you can start learning to increase you Tfactor. Instead of Tfactor, if you are really interested to learn then there are so many options to learn. In TCS, for some project they gave Udemy access where it linked with Ultimatix. Its will take lot of time to make Tfactor up to 5.

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What is the role of RMG in TCS for Freshers?

Whenever fresher join tcs, they are reporting to the RMG group in TCS . RMG groups responsibility is to refer the candidates to project requirements. All project managers and leads take their requirements to RMG group and accordingly RMG group gives calls to candidates if their skills matches.


What is TCS location independent agile?

TCS Location Independent Agile TM enables businesses to harness the talent that is available globally. TCS Location Independent Agile TM is a TCS proprietary methodology consisting of processes, management structure, and the technology that enables enterprise wide agile transformations without the location constraint.

How Sanlam’s Transformation Roadmap helped TCS achieve its agile transformation?

To achieve Sanlam’s agility objectives, TCS conducted an enterprise agility assessment and jointly derived the Transformation Roadmap which kicked off Sanlam’s agile transformation and its enterprise agility program.

Why TCS for Sanlam?

With more than 20 years of experience in delivering IT solutions and services for Sanlam, TCS has deep contextual knowledge of the IT estate and domain knowledge of the business applications.

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