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How can I check the PUC of my car?

How can I check the PUC of my car?

How to check status of pollution under control certificate or PUC online?

  1. Step 1: Visit https://vahan.parivahan.gov.in/puc.
  2. Step 2: Click on the PUC Certificate section.
  3. Step 3: Mention your registration number and the last 5 characters of the vehicle’s chassis number, and fill in the captcha code.

How is pollution testing done?

A gas analyser is connected to a computer, to which a camera and a printer are attached. The gas analyser records the emission value and sends it to the computer directly, while the camera captures the license plate of the vehicle. Subsequently, a certificate may be issued if the emission values are within the limits.

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What is PUC in detail?

Pollution Under Control (PUC) Certificate. The Indian government has mandated the Pollution Under Control (PUC) certificate under the Central Motor Vehicles Rule, 1989. The PUC test assesses the emission of a vehicle and checks if it follows the standard pollution regulation.

What documents are required for PUC?

The list of such documents comprises Driving Licence, Car Insurance Policy and Pollution Under Control (PUC) Certificate. The majority of car owners feel that carrying a licence is enough and often ignore the significance of the other two documents.

Do two wheelers need PUC?

Vehicles that meet the pollution control standards are granted with a PUC certificate. A PUC certificate is one of the vital legal documents that every two-wheeler owner must have. You will have to carry the certificate while riding on your two-wheeler on the Indian roads.

What do you mean by PUC why it is important?

PUC certificate stands for ‘Pollution under Control’ and states that the vehicle is safe to drive on Indian roads and does not contribute to the rising pollution rates.

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How long is the validity of emission test?

Question: How long is the car emission test validity? Answer: One year. The LTO requires an emission test every time you register it.

What is required for a vehicle PUC certificate?

A Vehicle PUC certificate must contain the following information: For all vehicles plying on the road, whether a bike, a car or a heavy motor vehicle, it is mandatory to have an updated pollution certificate. How to apply for a PUC Certificate / Pollution Certificate for your vehicle?

How long is the validity of the PUC certificate?

The PUC certificate must be obtained when a new vehicle is purchased. The validity of this will be 1 year. And on the expiry, you will have to take the vehicle for the test.

How much does it cost to get a pupuc certificate?

PUC certificate charges depend on the fuel type of the vehicle, along with the type of the vehicle. The pollution certificate for car price, the pollution certificate cost for bike and the PUC certificate price for trucks fall in the range of Rs. 60 to Rs. 100. What are fines for not having a pollution certificate?

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Do I need a PUC certificate to renew my motor insurance?

Additionally, according to the IRDAI, you need a valid PUC certificate to renew your motor insurance policy. So, a PUC certificate is a very important document and it is best that you should carry at all times when you are driving your vehicle. What is the content of the PUC Certificate?