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How can I get 90 points in PTE?

How can I get 90 points in PTE?

Strategies to score 90 in Speaking

  1. Practice speaking by reading any news articles with proper stress on the important word.
  2. Never mimic accent of native speakers.
  3. When you are speaking, speak in such a way that you are trying to convey a message to your colleague.

How can I hack PTE Academic?

4 Ways to Hack Your PTE Exam

  1. The Written Exam- Hit the Ball out of the Park.
  2. The Speaking Exam- Don’t Stop, Go on and on.
  3. The Listening Exam- Stay Conscious.
  4. The Reading Exam- Don’t Let the MCQs’ Go off the Hook.

Which is the best book for Pte preparation?

Top 6 books for PTE preparation

  • The Official Guide to PTE Academic.
  • Expert PTE Academic Coursebook B1 & B2.
  • PTE Academic Practice Test Plus – Volume 1 and 2.
  • Wiley’s PTE Advantage For The Academic Module (WIND)
  • PTE Academic Official Vocabulary 2020-2021.
  • Bonus: The PTE Academic Official Preparation App.
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Is it hard to get 90 in PTE?

Scoring 90 in PTE is not as tough as you think. Most people have the perception that you must be a native English speaker in order to score 90 in PTE but this is not the fact.

How can I improve my enabling skills in PTE?

The enabling skills reported are described as follows:

  1. Grammar. Correct use of language with respect to word format and word order at the sentence level.
  2. Oral fluency. Smooth, effortless and natural-paced delivery of speech.
  3. Pronunciation.
  4. Spelling.
  5. Vocabulary.
  6. Written discourse.

How can I improve my grammar score in PTE?

The Keys to Get 79+ in Your PTE Writing are:

  1. Keep it Simple (Maintain Simplicity)
  2. Take Time to Plan Your Points.
  3. Use the “Right” Format.
  4. Summarize Written Text.
  5. Write in Clear and Concise Paragraphs.
  6. Work On Your Weaknesses.
  7. Avoid the Jargons at All Cost.
  8. Essay Writing Tips.

How can I trick my computer in PTE?

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Starts here8:31PTE Test Tips: The last-minute tricks to beat the computer – YouTubeYouTube

How can I pass PTE easily?

Overview of PTE Exam

  1. There is no need to fret in your Speaking section.
  2. Your voice should be clear and audible.
  3. Be confident and give correct answers to every question.
  4. Carry normal pace while speaking, don’t be too loud or too soft while speaking.
  5. Don’t take a pause for more than 3 secs while attempting speaking.

How many days should I prepare for PTE?

In general, four to six weeks of planning for your PTE exam can help the candidates to secure their score goals. Practice: Write from dictation, Answer Short Questions, Re-tell Lecture, Summarize written text, and reading and writing fill in the blanks.

What is PTE passing score?

A minimum score of 55 – 60 for PTE Academic. Some universities accept scores as low as 50.