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How can I get photocopy of 2nd PUC?

How can I get photocopy of 2nd PUC?

  1. Open the web site www.pue.kar.nic.in.
  2. Select the hyper link for scan copy click here for scanned copy, retotalling and revaluattion.
  3. After opening the above link select the “Student” Menu for the portal.
  4. Select “Application form for scanned copy “ menu.

How many second PUC are there in Karnataka?

About Karnataka 2nd PUC Board Approximately 7 lakh students appear in Karnataka 2nd PUC exams every year. The Time Table for Karnataka Class 12 exams was published online on the official website of the state board.

How can I check my 2nd PUC registration number?

How to Know my Karnataka 2nd PUC Registration Number 2021?

  1. log on at official website of PUE Karnataka.
  2. Now on home page of this website click on the link “Know My Registration Number”.
  3. A new page will open in same tab.
  4. Select “College” and “District”.
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What is SSLC mark sheet?

SSLC Certificate Means (Senior Secondary Leaving Certificate) is a certificate obtained by students after successfully completing school education from 1 to 10th, and passing the Senior Secondary Certificate Examination (10th Standard) conduct by the respective state government.

How many students got 600 in 2nd PUC?

2,239 students
A total of 2,239 students have scored perfect 600 out of 600 marks. As per Karnataka 2nd PUC result data, 1,47,055 students have been placed in the second division and 68,729 students passed without any division.

When will the Karnataka 2nd PUC Board Exam results be released?

The results for the Karnataka 2nd PUC board exams will be released on July 14. For those students who are not contented with the score obtained in the 2nd PUC exams can always apply for revaluation and retotaling.

What is the last date to apply for photocopies of answer sheets?

Students who feel that they deserve better marks and are not satisfied with the score, can apply for photocopies of answer sheets or revaluation, or retotalling. Application forms for the same will be provided in their respective schools. The last date to apply for getting photocopies of answer sheets is 22 May.

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What is the pass percentage for the 2nd PUC exam?

For those students who are not contented with the score obtained in the 2nd PUC exams can always apply for revaluation and retotaling. According to reports, this year the state has obtained 61.73\% in pass percentage.

How to download scanned copy of KSEEB report online?

Go to the KSEEB website. In the home page, you will find the option, click on the link to download the scanned copy. You have to type the challan number to get your copy online. Reply ANYONMOUS May 18, 2018 at 11:30 AM