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How can I help my child with PDD-NOS?

How can I help my child with PDD-NOS?

Children with PDD-NOS respond best to a combination of treatments. Several therapies combined together to address various developmental challenges such as ABA, play therapy, sensory integration therapy, and social skills training should work best.

How do you know if you have PDD?

Symptoms of PDD The main symptom of PDD is a sad, low, or dark mood on most days. This lasts for at least 2 years. Children and teens with PDD can feel irritable instead of depressed. Their symptoms last for at least 1 year.

Can PDD-NOS be cured?

In some cases, appropriate medication may be used to help people with specific symptoms of atypical autism. While there is no cure, these treatments may be of great benefit to a child’s development, or for an adult with ASD as they move forward with improved quality of life.

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What causes PDD-NOS?

The causes of PDD-NOS are still unknown. There is a strong belief in the medical community that the disability’s origin is genetic and/or biological and affects brain function, but specific biological mechanisms remain unclear.

What is PDD disability?

The diagnostic category of pervasive developmental disorders (PDD) refers to a group of disorders characterized by delays in the development of socialization and communication skills. Parents may note symptoms as early as infancy, although the typical age of onset is before 3 years of age.

Does PDD go away?

What’s the outlook for someone with PDD-NOS? There’s no cure for ASD. However, early diagnosis and starting treatment sooner is important. This will ensure that autistic people get the help that they need and receive the tools necessary to learn to function within their environment.

What causes PDD?

Although the precise cause of PDD-NOS is unknown, abnormalities in certain structures and in neuronal signaling pathways in the brain have been implicated. Researchers also suspect underlying genetic defects may be involved.