Popular lifehacks

How can I hide my pads in my school bag?

How can I hide my pads in my school bag?

How to Sneak a Pad or Tampon to the Bathroom at School

  1. 1 Keep your supplies in a purse, pencil case, or makeup clutch.
  2. 2 Wear an outfit with pockets if you can’t carry a bag.
  3. 3 Slip a pad or tampon into your waistband, sleeve, or sock.
  4. 4 Hide your tampon or pad behind other items you’re carrying.

How do you make your period easier at school?

Getting your period at school: 5 tips for stress-free periods

  1. Know that it’s OK—this has happened to most people who menstruate.
  2. Get supplies that you feel comfortable using.
  3. Prepare for next time.
  4. Find out how period friendly your school is.
  5. Look out for your friends.
  6. Bonus tip: Get to know when your period is due.
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How do you hide your period supplies?

Keep the box out of sight in a cabinet, closet, drawer, or under your bed. Place them in an inconspicuous spot, such as the back of a cupboard, under your bed, or in a drawer. Be sure that the location is easily accessible for you. Make sure that no one sees you taking out your supplies or hiding them.

What are some period hacks?

If your symptoms are mild, there are some at home period hacks that may help alleviate period cramps and reduce period pain:

  • Use a heating pad on your lower abdomen or lower back.
  • Take a warm bath.
  • Place a hot water bottle on lower abdomen or lower back.
  • Massage your abdomen.

How do I tell my mum I’m on my period?

Write a note. Write a simple note stating something like “Mom, I started my period” or “Can you buy me some tampons/pads?” Place the note in a place where only she will find it, such as in her purse, her makeup kit, or her underwear drawer. Make sure the note is short and to the point so that there is no confusion.

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Where do I put my used pads at school?

Changing pads often can cut down on any odor. After you remove a pad, wrap it in toilet paper and put it in the trash can (or if you’re in school or another public restroom, use the special disposal box found in most stalls).