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How can NRI get divorce in India?

How can NRI get divorce in India?

If a Non-Resident Indian (NRI) married in India wants a mutual consent divorce, then he/she can do so by filing a petition in India or in the country where both of them are residing. The Indian law provides for this exception of filing a divorce in another country.

What is the fastest way to get divorce in India?

Divorce by mutual consent is considered to be the quickest and the easy way to get a divorce in India, under Section 13 B of the Hindu Marriage Act, 1955. The process under mutual consent divorce is considered to be inexpensive and non-tortuous.

How many days it will take to get divorce in India?

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So in case of divorce by mutual consent, it usually takes 18-24 months. In case of a contested divorce, the period is longer, ranging from three to five years because of complications and possibility that either party can challenge the decision in the High Court and Supreme Court.

Can a Indian file divorce from abroad?

Yes, a foreign divorce decree is recognized by Indian courts. But if you are an NRI couple married in a foreign location, you will not be affected by Indian divorce laws. The Indian courts can only intervene in the separation of couples in the following situations: Resident Indian couples married in India.

What are the grounds for contested divorce in India?

There are various grounds under which the divorce is granted. These are as follows: Cruelty, it includes both physical and mental cruelty. Unsoundness of mind which is incurable or mental disorder of such a kind and to such an extent that it is reasonably not expected for the parties to live together.

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Can I get divorce without going to court in India?

No it is not possible for you to take divorce legally without going to court. If both parties are ready than go for Mutual Consent Divorce in which case you will have to appear in court only 4 times on different dates. If your marriage is legally solemnized than only way for legal divorce is through Court.

Can wife file divorce anywhere India?

Referring to the amended Section 19 of the Act, the judges said that with effect from December 23, 2003, the wife is now entitled to file a matrimonial petition before a district court in whose territorial jurisdiction she is residing.