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How can social media lead to identity theft?

How can social media lead to identity theft?

Some might go the basic route, stealing your photo from the web and then adding any personal pictures or information they find online. By adding these elements, scammers can make a fake social media account seem legitimate enough to trick even those friends and family members who know you best.

What should be kept private on social media?

7 Pieces of Personal Information You Should Think Twice About Sharing On Social Media

  • Your phone number.
  • Your home address.
  • Pictures of your passport or driver’s license.
  • Your hometown and full date of birth.
  • Your financial information.
  • 6. Answers to your password security questions.
  • Clubs or other affiliations.
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What should you use on your social media accounts to prevent identity theft?

How to keep your identity safe on social media

  • Check your privacy settings.
  • Don’t include personal information in your user name or email address.
  • Don’t accept invitations to connect from strangers.
  • Be careful about what you post.
  • Change your passwords regularly.
  • Verify links that you receive.

What are some prevention tips to avoid identity theft?

How to Prevent Identity Theft

  1. Freeze your credit.
  2. Collect mail daily.
  3. Review credit card and bank statements regularly.
  4. Shred documents containing personal information before disposing of them.
  5. Create different passwords for your accounts.
  6. Review credit reports annually.
  7. Install antivirus software.

How can you protect yourself from social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook?

10 ways to protect yourself on social media

  1. Be aware of what’s public.
  2. Check your privacy settings.
  3. Don’t accept friend requests from strangers.
  4. Be careful when you check-in or share your location.
  5. Review your tags.
  6. Don’t share personal information online.
  7. Don’t share anything you don’t want your grandma to see.
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How do you prevent identity theft on Facebook?

Here are some tips for identity theft protection and to keep your Facebook profile safe:

  1. Don’t post your birth date, or at least don’t post the year you were born.
  2. Think twice when you want to purchase Facebook services that require your credit card information.
  3. Have boundaries.

What you should not share on social media?

15 Things You Should Never, Ever Share On Social Media

  1. The Exact Details of Your Upcoming Vacation.
  2. Your Personal Location.
  3. That’s true of geotagged images, too.
  4. Videos of Your Friends That You Took Without Permission.
  5. Pictures of Your Credit Cards.
  6. Stuff Your Friends Should Really Be Sharing Themselves.

What do fraudsters use social media to steal information?

Fraudsters often use social media sites to trick people into parting with their money or personal details using a variety of phishing style posts and direct messages. They will also send direct messages to people trying to extract money or personal data which can then be used to access bank accounts and cards.

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How can you prevent identity theft after?

Here are 10 steps to take if you feel that you may have been a victim of identity fraud.

  1. Notify affected creditors or banks.
  2. Put a fraud alert on your credit report.
  3. Check your credit reports.
  4. Freeze your credit.
  5. Report the identity theft to the FTC.
  6. Go to the police.
  7. Remove fraudulent info from your credit report.

How can you protect yourself from online theft?

How can I protect my identity online?

  1. Protect your computer and smartphone with strong, up-to-date security software.
  2. Learn to spot spam and scams.
  3. Use strong passwords.
  4. Monitor your credit scores.
  5. Review your credit score.
  6. Freeze your credit.
  7. Only use reputable websites when making purchases.
  8. Stay alert.

How do you protect yourself while using social media?