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How can we use technology to promote peace?

How can we use technology to promote peace?

Three ways technology can promote peace:

  1. Sentiment analysis and public policy: Public sentiment analysis of big data can enable effective decision-making.
  2. Network analysis and conflict resolution:
  3. Satellite imagery and human rights:

How does technology helps in achieving peace in society?

Looking to peace and conflict, new technologies can help prevent conflict by reducing the gap between warning and response, facilitate peacekeeping through new tools relevant to increasingly complex environments, and help support peacebuilding by empowering local actors.

Is there any correlation between the advances in technology and world peace?

Answer: Advances in technology and world peace are definitely correlated. Advances in technology can demote world peace in the following ways; (i) New weapons can be used. (ii) Nuclear power is established.

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How can technology be used for human welfare?

Technology being used for in all the fields. Technological revolution is mainly causes to our human welfare. Technology have both advantage and disadvantages, it improves our life style, computer internet, mobiles totally changed our daily life.

What is the impact of emerging technologies on environment?

These technologies have damaged our world in two main ways; pollution and the depletion of natural resources. Air pollution occurs when harmful or excessive quantities of gases such as carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, nitric oxide and methane are introduced into the earth’s atmosphere.

How does technology impact government careers?

Recent tech developments such as artificial intelligence (AI) and blockchain are progressively being used by governments to improve the efficiency of the services they offer. For example, blockchain technologies can allow government to keep important and vital records protected and confidential within a secure ledger.

What is the role of the government in the development of science and technology of the country?

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Government policies pertaining to science and technology Related policies—with respect to educating the public, issuing patents, and developing human capital by nurturing a new generation of professionals and scientist with energy expertise—also have a critical role to play.