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How can you tell the difference between real and fake medicines?

How can you tell the difference between real and fake medicines?

A counterfeit medicine could have:

  • no active ingredient.
  • substandard ingredients.
  • undeclared ingredients.
  • illegal or dangerous ingredients.
  • incorrect dosage (too much, too little or variation in dose across tablets)
  • contaminants from unhygienic manufacture.

What are the characteristics of fake drugs?

A counterfeit drug may contain inappropriate quantities of active ingredients or none may be improperly processed within the body for example absorption by the body, or may contain ingredients that are not on the label. Several technologies may prove helpful in combating the counterfeit drug problem.

What is the name of fake medicine?

A placebo is anything that seems to be a “real” medical treatment — but isn’t. It could be a pill, a shot, or some other type of “fake” treatment. What all placebos have in common is that they do not contain an active substance meant to affect health.

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Are there fake medicines?

Fake medicines can be counterfeit, contaminated or mislabelled. Don’t take the chance. Rather than making you better, some medicines can in fact be bad for you.

How do I know if my medicine is original?

Here are some ways in which you can ascertain their authenticity:

  1. Check the seal. The security seal, especially in bottled medicines, should not be damaged or tampered.
  2. Check the packaging.
  3. Visual inspection of medicines.
  4. Price.
  5. Unexpected side-effects or allergies.
  6. Verify authenticity by sending SMS.

How do I know my medicine?

Check Your Medicines – Tips for Using Medicines Safely

  1. Bring a list or a bag with ALL your medicines when you go to your doctor’s office, the pharmacy, or the hospital.
  2. Ask questions about your medicines.
  3. Make sure your medicine is what the doctor ordered.
  4. Ask how to use the medicine correctly.

How do you know if a medicine is original?

What are the forms of fake drugs?

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Types/Classes of drugs usually faked Another study shows that according to WHO, drugs commonly counterfeited include antibiotics, anti-malarials, hormones, and steroids. Increasingly, anticancer and antiviral drugs are also faked.

What are the types of fake drugs?

Counterfeit drugs in Nigeria include preparations without active ingredients, toxic preparations, expired drugs that are relabelled, drugs issued without complete manufacturing information and drugs that are not registered with the National Agency for Food and Drug Administration and Control (NAFDAC).

How is medicine made?

These days, medicines come from a variety of sources. Many were developed from substances found in nature, and even today many are extracted from plants. Some medicines are made in labs by mixing together a number of chemicals. Others, like penicillin, are byproducts of organisms such as fungus.

What is a counterfeit medicine product?

Counterfeit pharmaceutical products are those which either: contain the wrong ingredient; have no active ingredient; or. have the correct/active ingredients but in insufficient amount.