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How did Eminem change hip hop?

How did Eminem change hip hop?

Eminem took that and pushed things into overdrive, rapping with a manic speed and erratic rhythm. His multiple personas — chiefly Slim Shady, Marshall Mathers and Eminem — allowed him to play with pitch and speed, in the process forging an inimitable delivery style.

Can Eminem still do his old voice?

It might sound a bit different, but it’s still mostly the same. It’s definitely understandable that his voice would change over time. In my opinion, GarrettR96’s clip shows that he can still get very close to the Shady voice of old.

When did Eminem change his flow?

According to their estimations, on “Music to be Murdered By” Eminem switches flow every 21.1 seconds or 9 bars. He makes 7.7 switches per song, with the most switches – 12 – on “Farewell” and “Marsh” and the least – 3 – on “Premonition”. On “Music to be Murdered By” Marshall switched 131 times between 30 unique flows.

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What is Eminem’s impact?

He changed the rap game forever and motivated people to go out of their way and just do that they love doing. One of the most memorable moments of his career was when he performed with Elton John to prove that he supports gay rights. Personally, Eminem’s early life would best be described as depressing and abusive.

What was Eminem’s impact?

Not only has the rap artist been guided by one of the most influential men in the hip hop world, or brought light to a city close to his heart, Eminem’s talents have also inspired countless up-and-comers, as well as, already-established artists in the music industry.

Does Eminem still use Slim Shady?

His Slim Shady persona has always been there (and still is), but after his drug overdose, the content of his songs has noticeably toned down a bit, especially in his 2010 album “Recovery” (not only has he matured a lot over the years, stopping his drug use has also influenced this reduction of his Slim Shady content).