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How did Near guess Mikami?

How did Near guess Mikami?

Light has Near cornered. Near had made a plan to swap out Mikami’s notebook for a fake, but Light saw through that and, through a trademark Death Note convoluted plan, made it so Mikami actually had the real notebook hidden. He’s won. Near had faked Light out and did manage to swap out Mikami’s notebook for a fake.

How did Near figure out Kira?

3 Near Proved That Light Was Kira After Mello kidnapped Takada, Near was able to figure out Light’s plan to kill him, the SPK, and the Task Force. When Mikami wrote the names of everyone except for Light into the fake copy, nothing happened, and with Mello’s help, Near proved that Light was Kira all along.

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How did Near prove light was Kira?

Light’s Death Note ended up killing Takada, but Mikami thought it was his. As a result, Near found out about the existence of a fake Death Note and replaced it. Then in the warehouse scene Mikami’s notebook failed to work. They seized him and since only Light’s name wasn’t in the notebook, it was proof he was Kira.

How did Near beat Kira?

3 Answers. Showing Kiyomi’s name written in the notebook doesn’t help Near proves that Light is Kira. Instead, it helps Near explains how he win by realizing the possibility of a fake notebook, which he previously not realize and would have lead to Light’s win.

How did Near figure out the notebook was fake?

When Mello had kidnapped Takada, Mikami went to retrieve the real Death Note and write Takada’s name. However, when Takada was kidnapped, he again went to the bank on the 26th, which was unusual behavior for Mikami. It was then Near finally realized about the fake notebook.

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How did Near figure out there was a fake notebook?

What did Mikami do wrong?

After Teru Mikami makes the fatal mistake of breaking his routine and going to the bank two days in a row when being watched, just to kill Kiyomi Takada with the Death Note, Near discovers the existence of the real Death Note that Mikami had hidden away.