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How did the British affect Indian food?

How did the British affect Indian food?

The Britishers came to India for its spices. Many new spices were added to Indian cookery during the British rule at that time. Varieties of significant spices such as chili, pepper, nutmeg, cinnamon, and cloves were popularized by the British. Indian households, though hesitant at first, grew fond of them.

How did Indian culture change under British rule?

Indian society underwent many changes after the British came to India. In the 19th century, certain social practices like female infanticide, child marriage, sati, polygamy and a rigid caste system became more prevalent. These practices were against human dignity and values.

What did the British Raj eat?

A selection of “crumbled chops, brain cutlets, beef rissoles, devilled kidneys, whole spatchcocks, duck stews, Irish stews, mutton hashes, brawns of sheep heads and trotters, not to mention an assortment of Indian dishes such as Jhalfrazie, prawn dopiaza, chicken malai and beef Hussaini.

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What changes did the British bring in Indian society?

British introduced important social reforms in the country. For example, the Bengal Sati Regulation Act was passed in 1829, declaring the practise of Sati as illegal. They also passed the Widow Remarriage Act in 1856. These reforms received mixed response from Indians.

What did Indians eat before Britishers?

South Indians primarily ate rice, ragi, jowar, bajra, fish and poultry and it remains so to this day.

Why is Indian cuisine as one of the most diverse cuisine in the world?

The cuisine of India is one of the world’s most diverse cuisines, characterized by its sophisticated and subtle use of the many spices, vegetables, grains and fruits grown across India. India’s religious beliefs and culture have played an influential role in the evolution of its cuisine.

What were the effects of colonial rule in India?

Colonialism was certainly a far more traumatising experience for colonial subjects than their colonisers. They suffered poverty, malnutrition, disease, cultural upheaval, economic exploitation, political disadvantage, and systematic programmes aimed at creating a sense of social and racial inferiority.

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When did Indians get British food?

Indian restaurants first appeared in England in the 19th century, catering for Asian seamen and students, and then multiplied in the 1950s and 60s to feed the newly arrived south Asian factory workers.

What were the effects of British rule?

Effect: Many American colonists feared a powerful government. Cause: Many former colonists feared losing their freedom to a new government. Effect: The new Americans made sure their new government could not take away states’ freedom and independence. Cause: The British government taxed the American colonists unfairly.

What influenced Indian cuisine?

Indian food has been influenced by Mongolian, Persian and Chinese cuisine, among others. The common thread throughout the centuries remains the distinct mixing of spices that invariably give Indian cuisine its flavor and aroma.

Why is Indian cuisine so diverse?

The food eaten in different parts of India is shaped by geography and climate: providing a varying array of ingredients for people to eat at different times of the year; and history: of trade and migration, evidence of the many cultures and peoples who brought new foods to India which have since been incorporated into …