Popular lifehacks

How did the pilots know at what height to fly?

How did the pilots know at what height to fly?

As weather systems move around the world, the pressure of the air changes above a certain location on the ground. As a result, pilots have to be aware of the air pressure for their location in the world. To make sure they are flying the correct altitude, they have to update their altimeter accordingly.

What do pilots use to measure the distance they fly?

Distance measuring equipment (DME) is one of the most simple and valuable NAVAIDS to date. It’s a basic method using a transponder in the aircraft to determine the time it takes for a signal to travel to and from a DME station. DME transmits on UHF frequencies and computes slant-range distance.

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How is cloud distance measured?

The height of the cloud base can be measured using a ceilometer. This device reflects a beam of light off the cloud base and then calculates its distance using either triangulation or travel time.

How far above the clouds do planes fly?

According to USA Today, the common cruising altitude for most commercial airplanes is between 33,000 and 42,000 feet, or between about six and nearly eight miles above sea level.

At what height do airplanes fly in KM?

Depending on the required spatial resolution and accuracy, aircraft can be commissioned to fly at an altitude anywhere between about 0.1–6.0 km.

When can a VFR flight be conducted on a car 172?

VFR flight may only be conducted (CAR 172, ENR 1.2): provided that, when operating at or below 2000 ft above the ground or water,  the pilot is able to navigate by visual reference to the ground or water

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Who is responsible for determining flight visibility?

Flight visibility shall be determined by the pilot in command from the cockpit of the aircraft while in flight. Subject to CAR 257, the pilot in command of an aircraft operating under the VFR  is responsible for determining the visibility for the take-off and landing of the aircraft.

Is Special VFR permitted in Class E airspace?

Special VFR is not permitted in Class E airspace Determination of visibility for VFR CAR 174 Flight visibility shall be determined by the pilot in command from the cockpit of the aircraft while in flight.

How can I reduce my weight for VFR flying?

5 Get in the habit of minimizing extra weight by storing it in your locker or hangar. Obviously, this applies equally to VFR and IFR flying. Extra weight slows you down. You might be surprised at the amount of useless junk you’re carrying around for no good reason.