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How did the Weasleys win money?

How did the Weasleys win money?

During the Quidditch World Cup, the Weasley twins had bet all their money with a bookie named Ludo Bagman, who fails to make face in the films. It is revealed very on in Harry’s story that he has a wealth of funds in a vault at Hogsmeade left over from his parents, so money is never an issue for him.

How do the Weasleys travel to Egypt?

They probably had to use either a plane or a boat, unless wizards have their own system for international travel. Remember, when Newt came to America, he had to use Muggle transportation. JKR said there were a lot of magical trains hidden among the Muggle trains, like the Hogwarts Express.

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Where do the Weasleys go on vacation?

Weasley go to Egypt for Christmas in CoS, and the kids all stay at Hogwarts. They said it was because “Fred, George, and Ginny had chosen to stay at school rather than visit Bill in Egypt with Mr and Mrs.

Did Molly Weasley have a job?

It’s not that she was necessarily unemployed, but she was a housewife. She had to take care of the kids that weren’t at Hogwarts yet, like Ginny before Chamber of Secrets. It makes sense, being the mother of seven children. Loving and caring for her family came first.

Did the Weasleys get rich?

The Weasleys are poor because of having 7 children. Until Bill and Charlie started working, the Weasley family had one earning member to take care of the household expenses, education and upbringing of 9 family members.

Why did the Weasleys win a trip to Egypt?

Winning the 700 Galleons allowed the Weasleys to travel and visit with Bill – Mr and Mrs Weasley and Ginny visited Charlie for Christmas in 1991, so when the opportunity arose to see Bill in Egypt, of course they, the family-oriented family, took it.

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Which Weasley brother lives in Egypt?

Seventh year The Weasley family in Egypt Percy spent the summer of 1993 in Egypt with his family visiting his eldest brother, Bill, after his father won 700 Galleons in the Daily Prophet Annual Grand Prize Draw. While in Egypt Fred and George also tried to lock him in a pyramid, but were caught by their mother.

Why did Ron’s family go to Egypt?

The Daily Prophet runs a small article announcing the winner. In it we find out that the Weasleys will use the gold to travel to Egypt where Bill Weasley works as a curse breaker for Gringotts Bank. They will be in Egypt for a month, returning to England a week before term starts at Hogwarts.