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How do I become a faster test taker?

How do I become a faster test taker?

SAT Tip of the Week: 7 Steps To Increase Your Speed

  1. Be Prepared!
  2. Use Test-Taking Strategies Immediately.
  3. Bubble Answers Page By Page.
  4. Answer Line Specific Reading Questions As You Read The Passage.
  5. Skip Questions You Don’t Understand Immediately.
  6. Know The Common Writing Errors.
  7. Practice.

How can I improve my slow test?

Test Taking Strategies Checklist Set an alarm for 15 minutes–TAKE A BREAK! –stand up, walk around, waive your arms, stretch, drink water, eat a small snack – do this every 15 minutes during your exam. Don’t get stuck – MOVE ON!

How can I improve my test?

Strategies for Improving Test Performance

  1. Take good notes.
  2. Review notes after each class.
  3. Use SQ3R.
  4. Get control of your time.
  5. Begin reviewing a week before tests.
  6. Test yourself.
  7. Practice good test taking strategies.
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Why do I do poorly on tests?

Test anxiety may be caused by a number of factors such as poor test performance in the past, lack of confidence, feelings of extreme pressure or fear of failure, nervousness about having to perform or a number of other problems.

How do you destress before a test?

To help you stay calm and confident right before and during the test, perform relaxation techniques, such as deep breathing, relaxing your muscles one at a time, or closing your eyes and imagining a positive outcome. Don’t forget to eat and drink. Your brain needs fuel to function.

What are 2 things you could do differently during a test that might improve your test performance?

Strategies for Improving Test Performance

  • Take good notes.
  • Review notes after each class.
  • Use SQ3R.
  • Get control of your time.
  • Begin reviewing a week before tests.
  • Test yourself.
  • Practice good test taking strategies.