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How do I claim my Redgear warranty in India?

How do I claim my Redgear warranty in India?

The answer is YES, YOU CAN CLAIM INTERNATIONAL WARRANTY IN INDIA TOO….Fo0ollow these steps to claim your warranty:

  1. Go to Your Orders.
  2. Locate your order in the list and click “Problem with the order”.
  3. Select your problem from the list.
  4. Select “Request refund”.
  5. Enter your comments in the text box.
  6. Select “Submit”

How do I contact Redgear?


  1. Address: 131, Guru Gobind Singh Industrial Estate, Western Express Highway, Goregaon East, Mumbai – 400063.
  2. Phone: 022 4210 2409.
  3. Hours: 11am – 6 pm.
  4. Customer care number: +91 22 49461882.

Where is cosmic byte from?

Registered in 2016 , Cosmic Byte has made a name for itself in the list of top suppliers of usb cables in India. The supplier company is located in Pune, Maharashtra and is one of the leading sellers of listed products.

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Is RedGear owned by boAt?

Founded in 2016 by Gupta, a serial entrepreneur, and who had earlier worked with audio product giant Harman International as its India sales director, and Sameer Mehta, who also runs gaming hardware company RedGear, boAt was founded with seed capital of Rs 30 lakh put in by the founders.

Which country is RedGear from?

Company Description: Redgear, LLC is located in El Paso, TX, United States and is part of the Computer Systems Design and Related Services Industry.

Which company owns RedGear?

RedGear Technologies was acquired by Thomson Reuters on Apr 16, 2013 .

Is Cosmic Byte a Indian company?

About Cosmic Byte :- Registered in 2016 , Cosmic Byte has made a name for itself in the list of top suppliers of usb cables in India. The supplier company is located in Pune, Maharashtra and is one of the leading sellers of listed products.

Which is better cosmic byte or Redgear?

Final Verdict : Both Redgear and CosmicByte are the same. The difference boils down to the aesthetics and the build quality. CosmicByte has better Aesthetics. Plus it lasts longer because redgear vibration motors are too strong which makes it break down faster.