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How do I convert a PDF to Excel using Java?

How do I convert a PDF to Excel using Java?

Convert PDF to Excel XLSX using Java

  1. Load the input PDF document using the Document class.
  2. Create an instance of ExcelSaveOptions class.
  3. Set the output format using ExcelSaveOptions. setFormat(ExcelSaveOptions. ExcelFormat.
  4. Convert PDF to Excel using Document. save(String outputFileName, SaveOptions options) method.

How do I extract data from a PDF in Excel using Automation Anywhere?

You can use PDF Integraion command and use “Extract Text” sub command. Now, your pdf will be converted into Text File so you can use Read From CSV/Text File command from AA. Use Read from CSV/Text File command, give your extracted Text File name and perform String Operation on your text file.

Can you copy data from a PDF to Excel?

You cannot copy a PDF to Excel directly, as Excel does not have built-in support for the PDF file format. However, you can display PDF content as an image in Excel. Switch to Excel, click in a cell where you want the content to appear, and paste the image into your spreadsheet.

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How do I convert Excel to PDF with Apache POI?

In this tutorial, we’ll load an Excel spreadsheet in Java then convert it to a PDF using GcExcel Java.

  1. Step 1: Load existing Excel spreadsheet in GcExcel workbook. Create a GcExcel workbook object and load an existing spreadsheet.
  2. Step 2: Add PDFBox as library.
  3. Step 3: Convert the spreadsheet to PDF.

How do I extract text from PDF Automation Anywhere?


  1. In the Actions palette, double-click or drag the Extract text action from the PDF package.
  2. In the PDF path, select one of the following options to specify the location of the PDF:
  3. Optional: In the User password or Owner password field, enter a password to restrict access to the encrypted PDF file.

How do I extract a field from a PDF?

In Acrobat, open the completed form file. In the right hand pane, choose More > Export Data. In the Export Form Data As dialog box, select the format in which you want to save the form data (FDF, XFDF, XML, or TXT). Then select a location and filename, and click Save.

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How do I convert a PDF to Excel in Microsoft?

How to convert PDF to Excel in Microsoft Office

  1. Open the PDF file in Microsoft Office Word.
  2. A popup window about the PDF conversion will appear; click OK to confirm.
  3. Save the Word document as a web page.
  4. Open the MS Office Excel app and browse to the web page file that you saved in step 2.