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How do I debug a function library in UFT?

How do I debug a function library in UFT?

2 Answers. If you are using ExecuteGlobal to load a function library file into memory during a UFT run, you will not be able to step into it. You can use the LoadFunctionLibrary to load your library at run time and you should be able to debug it using F10 and F11 .

How do I load a function library in UFT?

Ways to Load Function Library in UFT

  1. ExecuteFile “C:\UFT_WorkSpace\FunLib\TestFunctionLib.qfl”
  2. After you run an ExecuteFile statement, you can call the functions in the loaded file only within the scope of the calling action.
  3. You cannot debug a file that is called using an ExecuteFile statement.

How do I enable debug mode in UFT?

After Step Into the function, you can use the Step Out command. Step Out continues the run to the end of the function and then pauses the run session at the next line….Options in Break Point.

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Sr.No. ShortCut & Description
2 Ctrl+F9 Enable/Disable BreakPoint
3 Ctrl+Shift+F9 Clear All BreakPoint

What is the use of function library in UFT?

Function library in UFT is used to store commonly used functions that can be used on multiple test scripts. We should always create user-defined functions to make the automation test scripts modular, readable, and easy to maintain and it should be placed in a function library in the UFT.

How do you enter a function in UFT?

Under Expert View, click in the step containing the relevant function. Then either right-click the step and select Go to Function Definition from the context menu or select Edit > Advanced > Go to Function Definition.

How do you add a breakpoint in UFT?

You can add a breakpoint by clicking in the left gray margin next to the line of code that you want your script to stop on.

How do I associate a function library in UFT?

1. Using ‘File > Settings > Resources > Associate Function Library’ option from the Menu bar. This is the most common method used to associate a function library to a test case. To use this method, select File > Settings option from the Menu bar.

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How do I load a VBS File in UFT?

How to Associate Static vbs file to Test in UFT and save it

  1. By using ‘File > Settings > Resources > Associate Function Library’ option in QTP.
  2. By using Automation Object Model (AOM).
  3. By using ExecuteFile method.
  4. using LoadFunctionLibrary method.

How do I skip a step in UFT?

1 Answer. Press F11 instead of F10, F11 is step into and F10 is step over. F11 is Used to execute each and every Step.

How do you run from step in UFT?

Running Part of Test Script in QTP

  1. Make sure your application is in a state matching the action or step you want to run.
  2. Select the action or step where you want to start running the test.
  3. Select Automation > Run from Step or Run Current Action, or right-click and select Run from Step.

How do you call a function in action in UFT?

Functions in QTP are called by using the ‘Call’ keyword, like if you have created a function named “Add”, then call the function using : Call Add(). This will transfer the control to the called function.