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How do I disable AdSense?

How do I disable AdSense?

How to close your account

  1. Sign in to your AdSense account.
  2. Click Account.
  3. On the “Account information” page, click Close account. Note: If you don’t see the option to close your account, you may not be eligible to close it.
  4. Review the information on the “Closing your AdSense account” page:
  5. Click Confirm.
  6. Click Got it.

How do I delete an unconfirmed AdSense Account?

How to Delete a disapproved Adsense account? Sign in to your AdSense account. Click Account. Then go On the “Account Information” page, click Close account.

Why can’t I close my AdSense Account?

You need to first sign in to the existing AdSense account, not the account that was disapproved as a duplicate. You will need to first sign out of Google and AdSense, then sign in with the correct email. The account that needs to be closed is not the account in your screenshot.

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How do I remove AdSense from my blog?

Welcome to the Blogger Help Community! You can navigate to Earnings –> Show ads on blog –> No to stop AdSense ads serving on your blog.

Can I create new AdSense account after disabled?

Though you might be disappointed with our decision, we’re unable to reinstate your account. Publishers disabled for invalid traffic are not allowed any further participation in AdSense. For this reason, these publishers may not open new accounts.

Can I have multiple AdSense accounts?

AdSense policies only allow one account per publisher. We’ve provided some guidance below that may help you if you’re trying to submit multiple applications to resolve an issue.

How do I disable AdSense on WordPress?

Just enable Advanced Ads > Settings > General > Disable ads > Disable ads in the frontend. Please notice that when you used shortcodes to place ads manually, you would need to remove them. Otherwise, you might see them in your content.