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How do I find customers on Craigslist?

How do I find customers on Craigslist?

Craigslist Marketing Best Practices

  1. Write a Great Headline.
  2. Include Keywords in Body Text.
  3. Use High Quality Photos.
  4. Provide Contact Information.
  5. Link Out (But Not to a Paywall or Product Page)
  6. Pay Attention to Your Post’s Writing Style & Formatting.
  7. Post Often (But Within the Regulations)
  8. Clean Up After Yourself.

How do I get more people to view my Craigslist ad?

7 Ways to Improve Your Craigslist Ad

  1. Look at Other Ads – and Take Notes.
  2. Gain Ad Presence – Create as Many Craigslist Accounts as You Can.
  3. Create Many Unique Ads.
  4. Know Your Audience.
  5. Give Your Ad a Make-Over.
  6. Go Old-School.
  7. Include Keywords in the Footer.

How come I don’t see my ad on Craigslist?

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Posting Free Ads If Craigslist bots find something that they do not like on your ad, it won’t show up. Another reason why your ad may not show up is if you post too many ads too fast.

How do I promote my business on Craigslist?

How to Post an Ad on Craigslist for Your Business

  1. Step 1: Go to CraigsList.org.
  2. Step 2: Click on “Post to Classifieds”
  3. Step 3: Choose Your Type of Posting.
  4. Step 4: Choose a Business Category.
  5. Step 5: Sign-Up Prompt.
  6. Step 6: Create a Password.
  7. Step 7: Terms of Use.
  8. Step 8: Choose Your Business Location.

How long does it take for a Craigslist post to appear?

You can expect your paid posting to appear within 10 to 20 minutes after you complete it, or 15 minutes after you confirm your email address on a free ad.

Is Craigslist a good place to promote your business?

With a little preparation and a consistent posting and testing strategy, Craigslist can be an effective source of clicks and leads for your business at little or no cost but it shouldn’t be the SOLE marketing you do, Google is still the leader and the #1 most visited site on the web, it’s where most people who want to …