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How do I find out where my website ranks on Google?

How do I find out where my website ranks on Google?

How to Determine Your True Organic Google Ranking

  1. Log into your webmaster tools account.
  2. You will then see a list of your top keywords.
  3. Click on a particular keyword you want to view the ranking data for.
  4. You can modify the results by changing the date range and country to your desired choices.

Why is my site not ranking on Google?

Google actively penalizes sites that engage in “keyword stuffing” — the act of using too many keywords in page content. On top of that, by directly lifting content from another website (even if you have their permission) can get your site hit with a duplicate content penalty, which suppresses it in the rankings.

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What is website algorithm?

An algorithm refers to the formula or process used to reach a certain outcome. In terms of online marketing, an algorithm is used by search engines to rank websites on search engine results pages (SERPs).

Why did my traffic drop after Google algorithmic changes?

If you see a drop in traffic during the dates that Google released an algorithmic change, then most probably you were hit and that’s the reason that your traffic dropped. Select your website from the Google analytics dashboard and then go to ACQUISITION > All Traffic > Source / Medium. From the list select GOOGLE / ORGANIC.

Why is my website not showing up in Google search results?

This can happen because of a number of reasons and it can be either site-wide i.e. affecting the website as a whole or partial i.e. affecting only some pages of your site. When this is the case, Google will give you an indication of what the problem is together with a list of actions you can take to correct the issues.

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How to check if your website has been penalized by Google?

In case there is a manual penalty, you need to read to carefully read the message with the reasons, try to correct the problem and then request a review of the site. The best way to check if your website was penalized by an automatic penalty is to login to Google analytics and review your Google organic traffic.

What are Google’s ranking algorithms changes?

The answer is pretty simple, these are the names that Google (and the press) gave to the different set of changes Google is making to their ranking algorithm. Google officially stated that every year they are making hundreds of changes to their search algorithms in order to improve the quality of their search results.