Popular lifehacks

How do I fix the battery life on my ASUS ROG Zephyrus G14?

How do I fix the battery life on my ASUS ROG Zephyrus G14?

Reduce the screen brightness: Reduce the screen brightness will increase battery life effectively. Turn off the keyboard backlight: Turn off the keyboard backlight can save battery power. Remove non-used peripherals: Due to external devices will also consume battery power even if they are not in use.

How do I get the 10 hour battery life on my Zephyrus G14?

Download the Nvidia GeForce Experience software, let it update to the newest drivers. Check for Windows Updates AGAIN. Install the AMD Drivers from AMDs site. the same driver works on all G14s once this is installed go into the AMD Radeon Software under Display and disable Vari-bright.

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How long does the Asus Zephyrus G14 last?

Thermal performance is also great here and while the laptop did get warm, it never felt too hot. Battery Life: While not spectacular, the Asus Zephyrus G14 offers better than average battery life given its gaming nature. Expect an uptime of between 5 to 7 hours for normal tasks or a day at the office.

How do I update my Zephyrus G14 BIOS?

Select the storage device where the BIOS file located③, then select the BIOS file④….

  1. Type and search [MyASUS] in the Windows search bar①, then click [Open]②.
  2. In MyASUS, select [Customer Support]③.
  3. Select [Live Update]④, and then select [Latest]⑤, here you can learn more about [MyASUS for Windows] Live Update.

Does the Asus ROG Zephyrus G14 have a webcam?

While the G14 has pretty much everything we’d want in a gaming notebook, there’s no webcam. ASUS is positioning it as a machine for streamers who have external cameras, which makes a certain amount of sense.

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How do I check my Zephyrus G14 BIOS version?

When you boot the system, click “Del” at the booting page to enter BIOS, then you will see the BIOS version.

How do I update my Rog Zephyrus BIOS?

To update the BIOS by Internet:

  1. Enter the Advanced Mode of the BIOS setup program.
  2. Select by Internet.
  3. Press the Left/Right arrow keys to select an Internet connection method, and then press “Enter”.
  4. Follow the onscreen instructions to complete the update.
  5. Reboot the system when the update process is done.

Why does my Zephyrus G14 have poor battery life?

Detailed description:My Zephyrus G14 has poor battery life because the application ‘asuslinknear.exe’ loads on every restart/reboot and uses the Nvidia 2060 GPU rather than the integrated gpu. Both Nvidia GPU Activity and Asus Armoury Crate show the Nvidia GPU being used and not going into Power Saving mode.

Is the ASUS ROG Zephyrus G14 a good laptop?

Asus ROG Zephyrus G14 is one of a kind laptop and it can impress anyone because of it’s form factor and the performance it offers at it’s comparatively Thin and Light 14in laptop. But it’s PROs can be it’s CONs too.

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How long does the G14 battery last on average?

Battery Life Benchmark Our baseline readings are very good for the G14, which was able to run for about 6 hours and 20 minutes from a fresh boot. It also was able to get a similar time after being used for a day doing my normal activities like watching videos, writing articles, and using Discord.

Why doesn’t the G14 have a hardware monitor?

I believe this is still related to hardware monitoring; with the stock AMD drivers that the G14 ships with, you are only given the older 2019 Radeon control panel, which does have a hardware monitor, except it is locked behind Wattman which is not enabled on the G14.