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How do I get brown stains off the rim of my toilet?

How do I get brown stains off the rim of my toilet?

Vinegar and baking soda: Add 1 or 2 cups of vinegar to the toilet bowl along with a few sprinkles of baking soda. Swish the solution around the bowl with your brush for a few minutes and then let it sit for about 15 minutes. Scrub the stains with your brush (or pumice stone).

How do you remove yellow stains from toilet rims?

White vinegar and borax/baking soda

  1. Sprinkle baking soda or borax generously on the stained areas.
  2. Use the toilet brush to scrub a little bit and spread the powder around.
  3. Add approximately 1½ cup of white vinegar into the bowl.
  4. Leave the solution to work for 15-30 min.
  5. Rinse.
  6. Repeat if there are still visible stains.
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Does vinegar and baking soda remove toilet bowl stains?

Baking soda and vinegar are two of the most useful household products that can be used to clean many things, including hard water stains in the toilet.

How do I get limescale off my toilet rim?

How To Remove Limescale From Your Toilet

  1. Pour vinegar into the toilet bowl.
  2. Leave for 3-4 hours.
  3. Scrub the toilet bowl.
  4. Flush the toilet.
  5. Repeat as necessary.

How do you get stubborn yellow stains out of toilet?

To remove yellow stains from your toilet bowl, liberally sprinkle baking soda over the stained area. Now use the brush to scrub the surface. Now, spray or pour 1 cup of vinegar over the stained surface and allow it to rest for 20-30 minutes. Thoroughly rinse with water.

How do I clean a badly stained toilet bowl?

How to clean a very stained toilet bowl

  1. Pour 1 or 2 cups of white distilled vinegar into the toilet bowl.
  2. Sprinkle some baking soda. You will get a sizzling reaction.
  3. Wait about 15 minutes.
  4. Scrub the stains with your brush or pumice stone.
  5. Turn the water back on and flush.
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Does Coke get rid of hard water stains in toilet?

The fizzy soda can give your toilet a spotless clean in a pinch. Pour Coca-Cola along the edges of the toilet bowl — the carbonation will take care of the heavy lifting for you! Leave the soda in the toilet overnight. The next morning, flush the fizz away and your toilet will look good as new.

How long do you leave baking soda and vinegar in toilet?

How to Unclog a Toilet with Baking Soda and Vinegar

  1. Check and, if necessary, adjust the water level in the bowl.
  2. Pour one cup of baking soda into the bowl.
  3. Slowly pour one cup of vinegar into the bowl.
  4. Allow the fizz to sit for at least 20 minutes.
  5. See if it worked.

How do you clean a stained toilet bowl?

For simple cleaning, you can use your toilet brush and distilled white vinegar. Let about ½ cup of vinegar sit in your toilet for a few minutes. Then scrub with your toilet brush. You can also clean the rim with vinegar.

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How do you get thick limescale off toilet bowl?

For a more heavy-duty approach, you can pour an entire bottle of white vinegar over and around the bowl, remembering to cover all of it. Then, leave the vinegar to work for a few hours or overnight. Use your toilet brush to scrub any leftover limescale deposits away the next day.

How do you remove yellow stains from white plastic toilet seat?

You can use bleach, baking soda, or vinegar. They all work fine. For the bleach, you remove the toilet seat from the toilet and soak in bleach and water solution, after a few minutes, scrub until the stains are removed. Rinse and fix it back to the toilet.