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How do I get more kills in PUBG?

How do I get more kills in PUBG?

Tips to get a high number of kills in every classic match of pubg mobile.

  1. Choose the best location.
  2. Play solo vs squad.
  3. Aggressive and rush gameplay.
  4. Hold cover.
  5. Take suitable suppliers.
  6. Fuel and Vehicle.
  7. Go to the airdrops.
  8. Go to some popular places.

What is good k/d in PUBG?

A person who has kd between 2 and 4 is a good player and has good gaming skills. He can be compared to a pro player. A person who has kd above 4 is a pro player and has high gaming skills. He is able to finish squads alone and may play safe like pubg streamer panda.

What are the best survival tips for PUBG Mobile?

No matter the quality, these two are essential for your survival, especially the helmet. In relation to the previous PUBG tips, always have on fresh armor, even if that means leaving behind a higher quality armor for a low end one. This is because the protection you get from an undamaged one will last you longer.

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How to parachute in PUBG Mobile?

So, if you want to master these skills, check out our PUBG tips for parachuting below: After the drop plane takes its course, open up the map and first decide where you wish to drop. However, before you do just that, keep in mind that dropping in high-risk areas can be quite difficult for the novice of the game.

How do you get better at pupubg?

PUBG’s combat mechanics are a little odd and mastering those makes a massive difference to how many final-10 situations you’ll win. Likewise, mid-game kills are a great way to take your gear from passable to excellent. And finally, if you do get spotted hiding in a bush, it helps to know how to shoot the one who found you.

Is it possible to camp in PUBG?

With the constant threat of being shot from any direction, playing PUBG is not for the faint-hearted person. However, there are a few ways you can use to avoid or at least decrease the risk of dying at any instant. Though, one might think this would involve camping in a single location inside of the circle.