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How do I get my album reviewed?

How do I get my album reviewed?

How to get Your Album Reviewed

  1. Don’t ask permission.
  2. Send a download link, not a streaming link.
  3. Provide album art and band bio/press release.
  4. Make sure your tracks are labeled!
  5. Make an album trailer, EPK, or music video.
  6. Don’t submit your album on a weekend.
  7. Make an effective pitch.
  8. Follow up with patience and persistence.

Is indie A&R legit?

If you are looking for a record deal with a prominent label, this is one scam to keep an eye out for. It involves “consultants” disguised as independent A&R (artist & repertoire) pros or label-connected experts who can shop your music around to land the highest bidder.

How do you ask for a music review?

Be clear and concise in your pitch email. Introduce yourself, your music and tell them about your upcoming venture. Attach all the relevant press info and include links to your music and music videos. For an album review, include a private streaming and download link to the unreleased release.

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Where can I get my music reviewed?

12 Music Review Blogs Which Accept Song Submissions

  • Little Indie Blogs.
  • Acid Stag.
  • Indie Music Review.
  • Louder Than War.
  • The Word Is Bond.
  • This Song Is Sick.
  • A&R Factory.

How do I get my indie album reviewed?

So here are 10 things to consider when you’re submitting an album for review:

  1. Do your research.
  2. Don’t ask if people would like to listen to it.
  3. Offer a streaming link.
  4. Offer a streaming link.
  5. If you really have to offer a download link, make it light and convenient.
  6. Build a landing page for your album.
  7. Trust the soup.

What is an album review?

An album review is a canvas on which you paint your own interpretation of an artist’s work. So, do it justice and truly express how it makes you feel. I can’t tell you how to do that, all I can do is offer these tips—the rest is up to you.

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Is Pitchfork a reliable source?

All of this supports the idea that Pitchfork is generally a trusted source of music criticism, but that it has a habit of being unnecessarily contrarian to provoke attention. All in all, I’d give Pitchfork a 6.8 out of 10.