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How do I get my hair back to its natural color after bleaching it?

How do I get my hair back to its natural color after bleaching it?

How to Get Your Hair Back to Its Natural Color After Bleaching

  1. #2: Get Balayage Highlights or Lowlights.
  2. #4: Use Root Concealers for Special Occasions.
  3. #5: Rock Grown Out Roots Because It’s a Trend!
  4. #6: Get Regular Trims.

How long does it take for natural hair to grow back after bleaching?

Answer: It may take 6 to 12 months for damaged hairs to grow back. If you are concerned it is best to see a doctor for an examination.

How do I stop dying my hair and go natural?

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There are basically 3 main ways to transition to naturally gray hair: to let it grow as it is and be patient (a.k.a the “cold turkey” method), to cut your hair very short and regrow it fully gray, or ask your hair colorist to blend your grays with the dyed hair color.

How do I get my hair back to natural?

3 Additional Options To Get Your Hair Back To Its Origins

  1. Grow Out Your Hair. It may seem obvious, but another way to get back to your natural hair color is by growing your hair out.
  2. Dye Your Hair Your Natural Hue.
  3. Opt For A Short Hairstyle.

How long does it take to grow out your natural hair color?

“You must understand that it will take some patience during the transition,” says Kandasamy. “You will have to grow your roots at least 1-2 inches. That means you will have to wait anywhere from 2-4 months to allow your hair to grow an inch or two. (If you can, wait even longer).”

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How do you grow out dyed hair?

My tips for growing out your natural hair color

  1. Cut it regularly. That way it looks healthier and stronger.
  2. Get it toned/dyed with a gentle dye by your hairdresser. That helps to smooth the line between your roots and your lengths.
  3. Use conditioners or toners to maintain the hair color.
  4. Be gentle with your hair!

Will dying my hair back to natural color make it healthier?

While dying your hair doesn’t fix your hair problems and make it healthy again, it can appear healthy. This is because when you dye your hair dark, the color deposits into all the holes and cracks throughout your hair strands, thus making your hair appear thick and healthy. It is similar to getting a cavity filled.