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How do I get rid of the white spots on my face?

How do I get rid of the white spots on my face?

Your doctor may recommend topical creams, ultraviolet light therapy, or oral medication to help restore skin color and stop the spread of white patches. Skin grafts are also effective for getting rid of small patches of white skin.

How can I get rid of white spots on my face naturally and fast?

Blend together 1 tbsp of granulated sugar and honey, and 3 tbsp of oatmeal. Apply the paste on the troubled area and allow it to dry for 5-10 minutes. Use lukewarm water to rinse it off. Use this home remedy 1-2 times a day for effective results.

What is the natural remedy for white patches on face?

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Here are some home remedies for treating white patches.

  1. Drink water and consume food from vessels made from copper.
  2. Consume figs.
  3. Drink ginger juice as this increases blood flow to the white patches on your skin.
  4. Dry pomegranate leaves and powder them.
  5. Consume edible dry leaves, fruits and flowers in equal quantities.

How can I get rid of white spots on my face naturally?

How do you treat white spots naturally?

What is the best treatment for white patches?

Treatment options for vitiligo include:

  • low-dose corticosteroid creams, like 1-percent hydrocortisone cream.
  • Elidel cream, a nonsteroidal formula.
  • ultraviolet light treatment in combination with topical medications.
  • bleaching the skin surrounding large white patches to blend them.
  • tattooing over white patches.

Is white spots curable?

Can white patches be cured? White patches, also medically termed as vitiligo cannot be cured but it can be treated and stopped from spreading. This skin condition is a lifelong condition that can affect an individual’s way of thinking in society.

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What do white spots mean?

White spots on the skin often occur when skin proteins or dead cells become trapped under the skin’s surface. They may also occur as a result of depigmentation, or color loss. White skin spots are not usually a reason for concern and do not cause major symptoms.