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How do I get the difference between two query results in SQL?

How do I get the difference between two query results in SQL?

The Minus Operator in SQL is used with two SELECT statements. The MINUS operator is used to subtract the result set obtained by first SELECT query from the result set obtained by second SELECT query.

How do I get multiple query results in SQL Developer?

Running Multiple Queries in Oracle SQL Developer

  1. Run Statement, Shift+Enter, F9, or this button.
  2. No grids, just script (SQL*Plus like) ouput is fine, thank you very much!
  3. Scroll down, or hit Ctrl+End to force a full fetch and get all your rows back.
  4. Run one or more commands plus SQL*Plus commands like SET and SPOOL.
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Can we execute queries parallely from different sessions in SQL?

In SqlDeveloper preferences: Tools > Preferences > Database > Worksheet check the option for New Worksheet to use unshared connction . This will allow you to execute multiple queries at the same time, each in each tab.

How do I count unique values in a column in SQL?

To count the number of different values that are stored in a given column, you simply need to designate the column you pass in to the COUNT function as DISTINCT . When given a column, COUNT returns the number of values in that column. Combining this with DISTINCT returns only the number of unique (and non-NULL) values.

How do I run multiple queries at once?

Simply put three queries one after the other in a . sql file, with semi-colons after each statement, then execute it as a script (either on a SQL*Plus prompt using @scriptname. sql or in TOAD/SQL Developer [or equivalent] using its script execution function).

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Which of the following technique allows to run multiple queries on different processors simultaneously?

Inter query parallelism This technique allows to run multiple queries on different processors simultaneously. Pipelined parallelism is achieved by using inter query parallelism, which improves the output of the system.

How can you select unique records from a table?

The SQL SELECT DISTINCT Statement The SELECT DISTINCT statement is used to return only distinct (different) values. Inside a table, a column often contains many duplicate values; and sometimes you only want to list the different (distinct) values.