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How do I know if my aiims registration is approved?

How do I know if my aiims registration is approved?

How to check the AIIMS MBBS 2020 basic registration status:

  1. Visit the official website, aiimsrxams.org.
  2. On the home page, click on the ‘Academic Courses’ link.
  3. Click on the link ‘proceed for prospective applicants advanced registration (PAAR)’
  4. Click on ‘undergraduate courses’ button on the new page.

How does EUC generate Inicet?

How to generate EUC for INI CET 2022?

  1. Log in using the registration ID and password.
  2. Click ‘Generate Unique Code’
  3. Choose the desired course from the drop-down list.
  4. Verify the details mentioned on the screen.
  5. Click ‘Generate’
  6. Note the system generated code or Exam Unique Code (EUC)
  7. The code generation process is complete.

What is Examination unique code?

Only those candidates who complete the basic registration can generate an Examination Unique Code (EUC). After the generation of code, the candidates have to complete the final registration that includes entering all the details, payment of application fee, and selecting the exam centre.

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How do I register for aiims 2021?

AIIMS 2021 Application Form

  1. Candidates can fill the application form through online mode.
  2. For filling application, basic registration followed by generation of code and final registration should be completed by the candidates.
  3. Candidates have to fil the necessary details asked in the application form.

Is Inicet admit card released?

INI CET 2022 Admit card has been released on 9th November 2021 for MD/ MS through login.

How can I use Inicet 2021?

Application Fee:

  1. Application Fee can only be paid through online mode.
  2. Candidates can use Credit Card, Debit Card, Net Banking, UPI and Paytm gateways for transaction of INI CET 2021 Application Fee.
  3. Fee for General /OBC candidates is Rs. 1500.
  4. Fee for ST/ SC/ EWS candidates is Rs. 1200.

What is unique code in aiims?

New Delhi: The All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi (AIIMS) has begun with the Generation of Registration Unique Code (RUC) for AIIMS PG Courses MD, MS, MCh (6YRS), DM (6YRS) and MDS for January 2020 Session. Candidates can use their login credentials to access.