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How do I legally tell an employee they smell?

How do I legally tell an employee they smell?

How To Tell An Employee They Smell:

  1. Ask to speak in private.
  2. Be direct (“I’m not sure if you’re aware of this but you have a strong odor about you.”)
  3. Reserve judgment ( “I don’t know if it’s from your clothing or if it’s a personal hygiene issue.”)
  4. Open the conversation (“Are you aware of this issue?

Can you sack someone for being smelly?

The short answer is yes you can sack someone for smelling. However, there are some sensible precautions you can take as an employer to avoid looking unreasonable. Talk to your employee. Fish Odour Syndrome (Trimethylaminuria) is a genetic condition that makes the individual’s sweat smell like fish.

How do you approach an employee about hygiene issues?

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How to Address Employee Hygiene Issues

  1. #1: Develop a policy.
  2. #2: Never assume you know the cause.
  3. #3: Understand workers’ rights.
  4. #4: Verify an issue exists.
  5. #5: Meet with the employee in private.
  6. #6: Be tactful but direct.
  7. #7: Give the employee an opportunity to speak.
  8. #8: Set appropriate expectations and document.

Can you talk to an employee about body odor?

You should speak up because it will affect the way your employee is perceived (and it will potentially affect the way your company is perceived, if she deals with clients in person or even just with other visitors to the office).

What if an employee smells bad?

Be honest, direct, and as kind as possible. Start by mentioning that her work has been good (assuming that it has been) and then say something like, “I want to discuss something that’s awkward, and I hope I don’t offend you. I have noticed you have had a noticeable odor lately.

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How do you deal with smells?

Rather than plugging deodorizers into your electrical sockets or lighting an arsenal of scented candles, use a few household staples such as baking soda, distilled white vinegar, coffee grounds, vanilla extract and lemons to get rid of odors once and for all.