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How do I protect my Python source code?

How do I protect my Python source code?

The best solution to this vulnerability is to encrypt Python source code. Encrypting Python source code is a method of “Python obfuscation,” which has the purpose of storing the original source code in a form that is unreadable to humans.

How do I protect a Python source from reverse engineering?

Nothing can be protected against reverse engineering….Since no technical method can stop your customers from reading your code, you have to apply ordinary commercial methods.

  1. Licenses.
  2. Offer significant value.
  3. Offer upgrades and enhancements that make any reverse engineering a bad idea.

How do I encrypt a Python script?


  1. Import rsa library.
  2. Generate public and private keys with rsa.
  3. Encode the string to byte string.
  4. Then encrypt the byte string with the public key.
  5. Then the encrypted string can be decrypted with the private key.
  6. The public key can only be used for encryption and the private can only be used for decryption.
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How do you hide a line in Python?

Make lines, i.e., line1 and line2, using plot() method. To hide the lines, use line. remove() method. Place a legend on the figure at the upper-right location.

Can I password protect a Python file?

Yes, that is quite possible. You can deliver your code in . pyc form, but that won’t necessarily prevent someone from decompiling and altering it. Unfortunately, Python’s just not designed to prevent code alteration.

Can Python scripts be compiled?

Python, as a dynamic language, cannot be “compiled” into machine code statically, like C or COBOL can. You’ll always need an interpreter to execute the code, which, by definition in the language, is a dynamic operation.

How do I make my python password show as dot?

while using getpass in python, nothing is indicated to show a password input. this can be resolved by this simple solution: just copy the ‘getpass_ak.py’ module provided in the link to python’s Lib folder. this will add * to your password inputs.