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How do I redeem REC bonds?

How do I redeem REC bonds?

The Bonds will automatically redeem after expiry of three years. Bonds are AAA rated by CRISIL, CARE, ICRA and IRRPL. 13) Interest/Redemption shall be paid by way of warrant/NECS/RTGS/NEFT payable at par at locations where collection centres are appointed.

Is REC bonds taxable on maturity?

Are 54ec bonds tax-free? You can receive tax exemption under IT section 54EC by investing in these bonds. However, the interest earned is taxable as per the income tax slab. You will need to declare capital gain from 54EC bonds under your return filing since no tax is deducted at the source.

Are REC bonds listed?

The bonds will be listed on London Stock Exchange’s International Securities Market (ISM), Singapore Exchange (SGX-ST), India International Exchange (India INX) and NSE IFSC. The net proceeds from the sale of the Notes will be used for lending to the power sector.

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Is interest from REC bonds taxable?

The Interest Rate on the Capital Gains Bonds is 5.75\%. The Interest @ 5.75\% is payable annually by both NHAI as well as REC. Thus, only the amount invested is exempted from Capital Gains Tax. The Interest that is earned on these bonds is liable to income tax.

What is the lock in period for capital gain bonds?

Key facts to avail the LTCG exemption by investment in capital gain bonds. To avail the tax-exemption the investment must be made within 6 months of the date of sale of immovable property. Such investment can be redeemed only after 5 years. Before april 2018 the bonds could be redeemed within 3 years.

Can I buy REC bonds online?

These Capital Gain bonds can be purchased either from NHAI/ REC or from authorised brokers of these bonds. There is no online mechanism of purchasing these bonds and a person would be required to physically visit their office and fill in the physical form.

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Are REC bonds safe?

The Bonds issued by NHAI & REC are AAA Rated Bonds indicating that they are highly stable and the face value of each bond is Rs. 10,000.

What is IRFC tax free bonds?

IRFC is offering retail investors 7.32 per cent annually on the 10-year bonds, 7.53 per cent on the 15-year bonds and 7.5 per cent on the 20-year bonds. Other investors will get 0.25 percentage points less across tenures. Interest will be paid out annually and is exempt from tax.

What are RecRec tax free bonds?

REC Tax free bonds will be listed on BSE (Bombay Stock Exchange). Credit Rating : AAA (The bonds with such ratings are considered to have high degree of safety regarding timely servicing of financial obligations and carry very low credit risk.) Allotment is done based on ‘first come first serve’ basis.

Is rec eligible to issue 54EC capital gain tax exemption bonds?

REC has been notified by the Government of India as eligible to issue 54EC Capital Gain Tax Exemption Bonds. Rural Electrification Corporation Limited (REC), a NAVRATNA Central Public Sector Enterprise under Ministry of Power, was incorporated on July 25, 1969 under the Companies Act 1956.

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What does Rec stand for?

REC has been notified by the Government of India as eligible to issue 54EC Capital Gain Tax Exemption Bonds. Rural Electrification Corporation Limited (REC), a NAVRATNA Central Public Sector Enterprise under Ministry of Power, was incorporated on July 25, 1969 under the Companies Act 1956. Its main objective is to finance…

When does the Rec capital gain bonds issue begin and end?

Answer: The REC Capital Gain Bonds issue begins on April 1, 2021 and ends on March 31, 2022. Question 10: What are the payment methods for investing in REC Capital Gain Bonds?