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How do I reduce padding in WordPress?

How do I reduce padding in WordPress?

WordPress: How to remove white spaces (padding) before media

  1. Log in to the backend of your WordPress website.
  2. In the sidebar, go to Appearance ➜ Customize.
  3. Click on Additional CSS.
  4. Add the following CSS styling, click on Publish: figure .embed-container > div {padding-top: 0 !

How do I change the padding in WordPress?

How to Adjust the Menu Padding in your WordPress Theme

  1. In the Dashboard, navigate to Appearance → Customize.
  2. In the Customizer menu, navigate to Design → Menus → Padding.
  3. Adjust the padding using the sliders or input fields.
  4. Click Publish to save your changes.

How do I remove spaces between columns in WPBakery?

In order to control gaps between columns navigate to row parameter window and change column gap option – the gap will be introduced between all columns within this row. The default value of gap is set to 0.

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How do I get rid of the white space below the footer in WordPress?

Solution was to go to footer page and click edit with elementor and then click all sections in my footer and in layout under edit section find the option called overflow and then from drop down select as hidden repeat for all sections in footer and click update after done.

How do I reduce the space between two blocks in WordPress?

The spacer block adds space between any two blocks in WordPress. By default, the height of the spacer is set to 100px. You can change the height of the spacer by increasing or decreasing its value from the Spacer block settings located in the sidebar.

How do I reduce the space between header and body in WordPress?

site-content article” which has the setting “padding-top: 40px” – as the top and bottom are both set it turns into 80 pixels of space. removing that setting – or setting both “padding-top” and “padding-bottom” to lower numbers will decrease the empty space.

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How do I remove spaces between two rows in WordPress?

Please open a row you would like to remove spacing around and head over to the row styles sidebar. Open the layout settings group. Set the Top/Bottom Padding to 0 and save.

How do I move columns closer together in WordPress?

Starts here5:42How To Edit the Space Between Columns in WPBakery WordPress …YouTube

How do I reduce vertical space between rows in Visual Composer?

Starting from version 3.6 you can visit Settings->Visual Composer -> Design Options section and adjust vertical spacing between elements.

How do I reduce the space between two rows in HTML?

The space between the table cells is controlled by the CELLSPACING attribute in the TABLE tag. By setting CELLSPACING to zero, you can remove all the space between the cells of your table. This removes all the space between the cells of our table (see Figure 9).