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How do I repair my Lotus Notes database?

How do I repair my Lotus Notes database?

How to repair Lotus Notes data

  1. Please select a damaged NSF file on first page of repair wizard in Recovery Toolbox for Lotus Notes.
  2. Press on Analyze button.
  3. Select the saving method – either to a new or an existing database.
  4. Press on Start Recovery button.

How do I compact NSF files?

How to Compress Lotus Notes NSF file?

  1. Open IBM Lotus Notes. Click on File >> Database >> Properties.
  2. Then click on “i” tab. You can see the information regarding the used space of your database.
  3. Click on Compact button to reduce the size of Lotus Notes database.
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How do I remove encryption from Lotus Notes Archive?

How to Remove Encryption From Lotus Notes Database Manually?

  1. In the first step, replace the user.id with the user.id of the file which you want to access.
  2. Then, open the IBM Notes email application, open the NSF file which you want to open, or remove the password.
  3. Click on the View tab and then go to Advanced Menus.

How do I reduce mailbox size in Lotus Notes?

Management of Lotus Notes Database File Size Limit When It Exceeds the Quota

  1. Open Lotus Notes, click on file option and then on Database.
  2. Click on Properties option.
  3. Open the Information tab and click on Compact button.
  4. Click Sever/ Programs in Domino directory.
  5. Select Configuration folders and click on Add Program button.

How do I run fixup on local Notes database?

Using the Fixup tool

  1. From the Domino Administrator, select the server that stores the databases you want to run Fixup on.
  2. Click the Files tab.
  3. Select the databases on which to run Fixup.
  4. In the Tools panel, select Database > Fixup.
  5. Optional: Select options to control how Fixup runs.
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How do I decrypt NSF files in Lotus Notes?

To decrypt an NSF file which is encrypted with medium or strong encryption such that only a particular ID file can open it, log into that ID file, select application properties, and deselect “strong encryption”.

How do I remove local access protection from NSF files?

Firstly, Launch the NSF security remover tool and click on the Browse button. Now, simply select the NSF files and click on Open. Choose “remove local security from selected NSF file” and after that select the location where you want to save the file. From the selected NSF files, the local security will be removed.

How do I increase mailbox size in Lotus Notes?

However, it does not stops routing of mails, which means user can still send/receive messages and respond to them, but cannot save them. The ‘quota exceeding error’ is a result of poor database management.

How do you Compact in Lotus Notes?

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  1. Open a Notes application.
  2. Click File > Application > Properties.
  3. Click the Info tab.
  4. Click \% used.
  5. If the percentage of an application in use drops below 90\% (it contains more than 10\% unused space), click Compact. Results.

How do I decrypt an NSF file?

Make sure the Notes client is already open, and a user logged in. Use a user ID with a blank password….You can compact your database right in Notes Client workspace:

  1. Select the database.
  2. Choose File – Database – Properties.
  3. Click the “Info” tab.
  4. Click button “Compact”

How do I check my mail quota in Lotus Notes?

If quotas are enabled, we will see an indicator in the top left-hand side of our mail as shown in the next screenshots. When we access our mail stored on a server, the Mail Quota Status indicator is displayed as a thermometer.