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How do I start a career in paleontology?

How do I start a career in paleontology?

How to Become a Paleontologist

  1. Get a good foundation in math and science while in high school.
  2. Get some hands-on experience.
  3. Choose a college with a good reputation in the sciences.
  4. Attend a graduate course in paleontology.
  5. Get a job in paleontology.

How hard is it to get a job in paleontology?

in paleontology, it might be (and probably will be) very difficult to find steady work. This is why you can’t just want to be a paleontologist; you really have to feel the need to be a paleontologist. It is the sort of career that has many challenges that can only be overcome by those truly passionate about it.

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What qualifications do you need to be a paleontologist?

You’ll need:

  • maths knowledge.
  • knowledge of geography.
  • analytical thinking skills.
  • excellent verbal communication skills.
  • science skills.
  • excellent written communication skills.
  • knowledge of physics.
  • knowledge of chemistry including the safe use and disposal of chemicals.

What would a paleontologist be interested in studying?

A paleontologist is a scientist who studies the fossilized remains of all kinds of organisms (plants, animals, fungi, bacteria and other single-celled living things), and is interested in knowing the history of organic life on earth.

Are paleontologists in demand?

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the employment of geoscientists including paleontologists is projected to grow an estimated 6\% between now and 2028. This is on par with the growth rate of other occupations in the United States.

What career cluster is a paleontologist in?

Paleontology is a subspecialty of geology or, less commonly, of botany, zoology, or physical anthropology. In college, you will major in geology or biology.

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What are the disadvantages of being a paleontologist?


  • Does not have the highest pay for the United States for the occupation of paleontology.
  • May have to travel to far places for a long time.
  • Some of the work conditions may be a problem.

Do you have to be good at math to be a paleontologist?

It is really important that you focus during your math and science classes. In math and science you will have a good introduction to paleontology. In college, you will enroll in classes such as biology, geology, chemistry, and math. You will also take courses in mineralogy, ecology, and zoology.

What is it called when you dig up fossils?

That is what paleontologists (pay-lee-en-TAH-le-jists) do. These scientists look for fossils. Many fossils are the bones of animals that were buried. Over many years, they got buried deeper, and the bones and nearby soil hardened into rock. Here is how paleontologists dig up fossils to study.

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What do you call someone who studies fossils?

Paleontologists use fossil remains to understand different aspects of extinct and living organisms. Individual fossils may contain information about an organism’s life and environment. Paleontologists study amber, called “fossil resin,” to observe these complete specimens.

Is Palaeontology a science?

paleontology, also spelled palaeontology, scientific study of life of the geologic past that involves the analysis of plant and animal fossils, including those of microscopic size, preserved in rocks.