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How do I start reading Bergson?

How do I start reading Bergson?

My advice for most people coming to Bergson for the first time is usually to move chronologically, starting with Time and Free Will and then Matter and Memory before moving on to his works after that.

What was Henri Bergson advanced theory?

Bergson is known for his arguments that processes of immediate experience and intuition are more significant than abstract rationalism and science for understanding reality….

Henri Bergson
Notable ideas Duration intuition affection élan vital immediate data of consciousness open society
show Influences
show Influenced

Why is Henri Bergson important?

4, 1941, Paris), French philosopher, the first to elaborate what came to be called a process philosophy, which rejected static values in favour of values of motion, change, and evolution. He was also a master literary stylist, of both academic and popular appeal, and was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1927.

What did Henri Bergson believe?

Bergson believed that mental and spiritual aspects of human experience were greatly neglected as a result of focussing so single-mindedly on the physical and material. He once speculated on how things might have developed had modern science devoted more attention to exploring the non-material realm.

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What does Bergson mean by intuition?

Henri Bergson defined intuition as a simple, indivisible experience of sympathy through which one is moved into the inner being of an object to grasp what is unique and ineffable within it.

Was Henri Bergson Catholic?

Bergson’s embrace of Catholicism and by Catholic thinkers would add to this impression (in 1941 he made a deathbed announcement of his conversion from Judaism to Christianity, although always maintaining its secrecy in favour of a public stance of solidarity with the Jewish community under persecution); so too would …

Did Proust read Bergson?

Though he never expresses his preference in his lecture, Nabokov connects Proust’s view of time and memory with the works of Henri Bergson, another author who has a particular meaning for him. “In his youth Proust had studied the philosophy of Henri Bergson. Bergson, but even contradicted by it.”

Which university did Bergson attend?

École Normale Supérieure
University of Toronto MississaugaLycée Condorcet
Henri Bergson/Education

Did Bergson read Nietzsche?

Although he did not draw directly on Nietzsche’s work, the notions of “creative evolution” espoused by Henri Bergson (1859-1941) had a powerful influence on the Greek writer Nikos Kazantzakis (1885-1957), who combined his studies under Bergson with his reading of Nietzsche to produce a version of what is known as “ …

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What does Bergson mean by duration?

Yet, as Bergson says, “no two moments are identical in a conscious being” (The Creative Mind, p. 164). Duration, for Bergson, is continuity of progress and heterogeneity; moreover, thanks to this image, we can also see that duration implies a conservation of the past.

Was Bergson a materialist?

Bergson took up the positions surpassed by the philosophical materialism of the 18th century. Nevertheless, he presented his philosophy as a “new” philosophy. He professed idealism and at the same time affirmed that he had gone beyond the opposition between materialism and idealism.

Was Bergson influenced by Proust?

‘ This philosophical revolution in our perception of time was to inspire twentieth-century writers like Virginia Woolf and T.S Eliot but more particularly Marcel Proust (1871–1922) whose multi-volume masterpiece In Search of Lost Time was greatly influenced by Bergson’s reinterpretation of our experience of time and …

Where did Bergson lectures take place?

Bergson’s lectures at the Collège de France were filled to capacity, not only with society ladies and their suitors, but also with a whole generation of philosophy students (Étienne Gilson and Jean Wahl among others) and poets such as T.S. Eliot. In January 1913, Bergson visited the United States for the first time (Soulez et Worms 2002, p. 134).

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What are some interesting facts about Henry David Bergson?

1. Life and works Bergson was born in Paris on October 18, 1859; he was the second of seven children of a Polish Father and English mother; both of his parents were Jewish. Bergson was a notably exceptional pupil throughout his childhood. Like his German contemporary, Edmund Husserl, Bergson’s original training was in mathematics.

What did Bergson read at the first International Congress of Philosophy?

At the first International Congress of Philosophy, held in Paris during the first five days of August 1900, Bergson read a short, but important, paper, “Psychological Origins of the Belief in the Law of Causality” ( Sur les origines psychologiques de notre croyance à la loi de causalité ).

When did Heidegger cite Bergson’s second book?

In 1927, in a footnote to Being and Time, Heidegger cited this second thesis, claiming that Bergson’s view of time remains within the horizon of Greek metaphysics. Bergson’s second book, Matter and Memory, appeared in 1896. This book led to Bergson’s election to the Collège de France.
