Popular lifehacks

How do I stop my shoes rubbing the back of my ankle?

How do I stop my shoes rubbing the back of my ankle?

Note – different shoes may require different techniques.

  1. Get proper fit with insoles. Insoles will add a slight lift to your foot, decreasing the surface area in contact with the back of your heel.
  2. Double socks.
  3. Use moleskin.
  4. Visit the cobbler.
  5. Use heat.
  6. Use duct tape.
  7. Use Custom Made Insoles for Better Fit and Comfort.

How do I stop my vans from rubbing?

Nothing can banish a good mood better than a blister. Use this method to prevent rubbing once you start wearing your Vans shoes out and about. Take a small amount of petroleum jelly – a little goes a long way! Rub the jelly into the back of your heel where the shoe is most likely to cause discomfort.

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Does Vaseline stop shoes rubbing?

If your stilettos give you dry or cracked heels… try rubbing them twice a week with a foot file and apply Vaseline after a bath. Follow by putting on a pair of cotton socks to allow the Vaseline to soak in, Heidi says.

How do I keep my ankles from slipping in my shoes?

Try these hacks:

  1. Wear socks. They can act as a cushion between your foot and the shoe.
  2. Use toe protectors or toe caps. They can cushion toes from the shoe and prevent friction.
  3. Insert shoe pads or insoles. These can help prevent abrasion in areas such as your heels.
  4. Apply paper tape.

How do I stop my shoes from wearing down on one side?

Place with the thicker end of the cushion on the outside (little toe side) of your shoes to correct supination, which causes wear to the little toe side of your sole.

How do I prevent slips from slipping on my Vans?

How can I soften the backs of my shoes?

Here’s what to do:

  1. Put thick socks on your feet.
  2. Blast one of the shoes all over with a hair dryer for around a minute, until it’s warm and soft.
  3. Put the shoe on your foot.
  4. Repeat with the other shoe.
  5. Walk around your house at least until the shoes have cooled – the longer you can keep them on the better.