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How do I submit a freelance article to a newspaper?

How do I submit a freelance article to a newspaper?

Research Your Story An editor who is interested usually sends an email or calls with a formal assignment, telling you how many words she has room for on the subject, when she needs it completed and possibly suggesting an angle she would like you to take or what information she wants included.

Does the NY Times pay for stories?

As for what they would actually pay for content they wanted to run, most newspapers have a payment schedule for submitted content, but many won’t pay anything at all. The NYT’s guidelines are actually published online: New York Times Submission Guidelines , and don’t mention anything about payment.

How do you get an article published in The New York Times?

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To send a letter, e-mail [email protected]. To reach the Times editorial board, e-mail [email protected]. To reach Op-Docs, e-mail [email protected]. To contact The Times about a factual error in an Opinion article or editorial, e-mail [email protected].

Where do you send freelance articles?

Freelance Writer’s Pitch Checklist Grab it for free 👇

  • Earth Island Journal.
  • VQR.
  • AMC Outdoors Magazine.
  • The Sun Magazine.
  • Boys’ Life.
  • The American Gardener.
  • One Story.
  • The American Scholar.

How much do New York Times best selling authors make?

Authors who make the NYT bestseller list have to sell at least 10,000 copies, so at a 10\% royalty rate with a book priced at $20, they’ll make at least $20,000—much of that going to pay back their initial advance.

How much do freelance writers make?

How Much Do Freelance Writer Jobs Pay per Hour?

Annual Salary Monthly Pay
Top Earners $104,000 $8,666
75th Percentile $75,000 $6,250
Average $63,213 $5,267
25th Percentile $26,000 $2,166