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How do I train for the PFE?

How do I train for the PFE?

The PFE consists of push-ups (2 minutes), sit-ups (2 minutes) and a 1.5 mile run. The first two items measure the muscular strength and endurance of the upper body and the abdominals. The 1.5 mile run is a measure of your cardio-respiratory fitness.

What is a good PFE score?

The standard for graduation and commissioning is 200 points and cadets should always strive to achieve this score. Any cadet who scores below 165 points will be recommended for suspended disenrollment and may be recommended for immediate disenrollment based on previous PFE performance.

Is the Coast Guard Academy the hardest to get into?

You’re probably asking yourself, “How hard is it to get into the Coast Guard Academy?” We’ll tell you straight: It’s COMPETITIVE. According to U.S. News and World Report, Academy admissions are very selective. Half the applicants admitted have an SAT score between 1212 and 1400 or an ACT score between 25 and 30.

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How do you get in shape for the Secret Service?

The core elements are: push-ups, sit-ups, chin-ups, and the 1.5 mile run. The fitness evaluation will be administered at the beginning, during, and end of training. Secret Service weapon carrying employees are additionally required to participate in the Secret Service Physical Fitness Evaluation quarterly.

What do you do after the Coast Guard Academy?

Graduate from the Coast Guard Academy and go directly to an exciting and rewarding career as a Coast Guard officer – leading people and managing resources. Serving as a military officer is different than any other occupation. At graduation you earn a degree – and a commission.

What happens if you drop out of Coast Guard Academy?

Students who leave the Coast Guard Academy for academic, aptitude or honor violations are given an honorable discharge unless a court-martial resulted in a dishonorable discharge.

Do Secret Service agents work out?

It is highly encouraged for Secret Service trainees to not only pass, but to achieve excellent scores on the Physical Fitness Test. The same Physical Fitness Test is administered to Special Agents quarterly. After 3 to 4 years of service, Special Agents can apply to be members of the Counterassault Team (CAT).

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Does Secret Service have a fitness test?