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How do I turn just one sim off?

How do I turn just one sim off?

Go to settings →Sim card →select the Sim slot that needs to be turn off. Yes…. Just go to setting and select dual sim setting aur sim management and switch off the sim you want to off… You may select one SIM for voice and another for data.

How do I turn off my SIM card on my Android?

Go to setting- >mobile network-> data connection. Here you will be asked about to assign mobile data connection to both or single sim. If you don’t want to use a sim, then switch it off. As Cabsco said you can switch airplane mode on and that will disable all your SIM connectivity.

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How do I block a number on a dual SIM phone?

For dual SIM phones, while on the call blocking screen, you can tap SIM1 or SIM2 and customize the call blocking rules. For ColorOS 7.0 and above. Go to [Settings] > [Privacy] > [Block & Filter] > [Block Calls], choose SIM1 or SIM2 and customize the call blocking rules.

Can I deactivate my SIM card?

You may deactivate your SIM card because you are switching providers. In either case, you must contact your mobile service company to deactivate your SIM card and then dispose of it in a way that prevents your information from being extracted from it.

How do I make my phone not reachable?

Simple Tricks to Make Android Phone Not Reachable

  1. Turn on the Airplane/Flight Mode.
  2. Manually Select Your Network.
  3. Change the Network Mode Suppose.
  4. Forward Your Call to Any Landline Number.
  5. Download Third-party app from Play Store.
  6. Block the Number.
  7. Try the Sim Card Trick.
  8. Remove the Battery.
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How can I block one SIM?

Go to [Settings] > [System Apps] > [Call] > [Block] > [Call Blocking], choose SIM1 or SIM2 and customize the call blocking rules. For ColorOS 5.0. Go to [Settings] > [Call] > [Block] > [Block Calls], choose SIM1 or SIM2 and customize the call blocking rules.

How to permanently disable airplane mode on Android?

How to Permanently Disable Airplane Mode Android. 1 Step 1: Open Quick Settings Panel. First, unlock the phone. Then drag down from the up of the screen. You can see the Quick Settings Panel. 2 Step 2: Click on Edit. 3 Step 3: Click, Drag Airplane Mode Icon And Drop on the removal bar. 4 Step 4: Click DONE.

How do I disable the SIM card in a dual SIM phone?

Normally, you can disable one SIM among the two present in a dual SIM phone from SIM settings. But You can’t disable both SIMs simultaneously and neither you can disable the SIM if only one SIM is present in the phone.

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How do I Turn Off Sims on my phone?

As soon as you touch that preferred sim there will be an option of on and off. Choose the option off. Click on simcard management in ur phone setting and there will be option to turn on and off ur Sims. Does the flight mode avoid harming your body with the cell phone’s radiation?

How do I get my phone back to airplane mode?

Follow the steps: *Open quick settings panel. *Tap the airplane mode icon from the removal bar and drag it to the setting bar. *Then click done. Now you can see the airplane mode again. Does airplane mode save the mobile’s power?