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How do Merry and Pippin avoid being eaten by orcs?

How do Merry and Pippin avoid being eaten by orcs?

During the confusion, Merry and Pippin managed to escape their captors and avoid most of the conflict by disappearing into Fangorn Forest, where they would later meet Treebeard. The Rohirrim piled the corpses of the slain Uruks and Orcs on the battlefield and had them burned.

Why did Merry and Pippin go with Treebeard?

However, they were brought into the war when Meriadoc Brandybuck and Peregrin Took escaped from Saruman’s Orcs, became lost in Fangorn Forest and befriended Treebeard. Upon learning that Saruman was cutting down the forest to power his war effort, an angry Treebeard called all the Ents together for an Entmoot.

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Is lurtz in the book?

Lurtz was the first leader of the Uruk-hai scouts created specifically for Peter Jackson’s movie The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring. He is non-canonical as he was created for the films, and is not in the books.

Is an Orc a dead elf?

No. Orcs are neither dead nor undead. In the animal sense of the term, they are alive in their bodies. Tolkien tells us that Morgoth, incapable of creation, could make evil creatures by distorting and debasing good ones.

What is orcish grog?

Orcish Grog is an alcoholic drink that can only be thrown at a hut located at Hatchet Hills. It serves no other purpose.

Who is grog?

Grog is any of a variety of psychoactive beverages, mostly alcoholic beverages. The word originally referred to rum diluted with water, which British Vice-Admiral Edward Vernon introduced into the naval squadron he commanded in the West Indies on 21 August 1740.

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When did Sam realize Frodo was not dead?

He chastises himself for taking the Ring for himself, unaware that he has actually saved the Ring and kept it from Sauron by taking it from Frodo. Sam realizes that Frodo is alive at the very moment when the guards enter Mordor, slamming the gates in Sam’s face.