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How do nuclear submarines dispose of waste?

How do nuclear submarines dispose of waste?

Waste that is discharged overboard must either be pumped out against the ambient sea pressure or blown out using pressurized air. The cans are ejected from the submarine using a trash disposal unit (TDU), which is a long cylindrical, vertical tube connected to the ocean through a ball valve.

How are submarine nuclear reactors cooled?

Basic operation of naval ship or submarine Most naval nuclear reactors are of the pressurized water type, with the exception of a few attempts at using liquid sodium-cooled reactors. Spent steam at low pressure runs through a condenser cooled by seawater and returns to liquid form.

Is there air conditioning on a submarine?

In a submarine, only a few cubic feet of space are available for air-conditioning machinery, and the cooling capacity is of necessity limited. It should be clearly understood that the purpose of the air-conditioning system is not to cool the submarine as a whole.

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How are submarines heated?

The metal of the submarine conducts internal heat to the surrounding water. So, submarines must be electrically heated to maintain a comfortable temperature for the crew. The electrical power for the heaters comes from the nuclear reactor, diesel engine, or batteries (emergency).

How do submarines get rid of water?

Submarines have a distillation apparatus onboard that initially collects a given volume of seawater and heats it until it becomes water vapor. This desalinates (removes salt) from the seawater. Subsequently, the water vapor is allowed to cool and condense and voila!

What is the reactor in nuclear submarine?

Nuclear submarines employ nuclear reactors for this task. They either generate electricity that powers electric motors connected to the propeller shaft or rely on the reactor heat to produce steam that drives steam turbines (cf. nuclear marine propulsion).

How hot does a submarine get?

Even though the entire submarine has air cooling facility, only two decks are air-conditioned. The temperature in the rest of the submarine is around 30-35 degrees and the crew works in sweltering heat. The quality of the air is monitored constantly for impurities.

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