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How do pilots know which runway to use?

How do pilots know which runway to use?

General runway identification is based on the compass heading the aircraft is facing as it is landing or taking off. For example, Runway 17/35 is facing approximately 170° in one direction and 350° in the opposite direction.

What if there are 4 parallel runways?

Airports with four or more parallel runways will play with the rounding of the heading at which they are, such that there will be no more than three with the same number. Very few runways face a heading of 10 times their number (ex: 180 degrees for RWY 18).

What is the minimum distance between two parallel runways?

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In summary, “For simultaneous landings and takeoffs using VFR, the minimum separation between centerlines of parallel runways is 700 feet (213 m).” For simultaneous IFR operations, “Dual simultaneous precision instrument approaches are normally approved on parallel runway centerline separation of 4,300 feet (1311 m).

How are runways marked when there are two parallel runways?

When there are two parallel runways, they will be marked with an “R” or and “L” indicating the “right” or “left” runway as viewed by the pilot approaching the runways.

What is the minimum distance between aircraft landing on the same runway?

The super or heavy to aircraft landing behind a departing/arriving super or heavy on the same or parallel runways separated by less than 2,500 feet. The B757/large aircraft to a small aircraft landing behind a departing/arriving B757/large aircraft on the same or parallel runways separated by less than 2,500 feet.

What is a centerline on an airport runway?

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Pilots must ensure they understand precisely which runway they are cleared to land on; at busy airports arriving aircraft may be flying parallel to each other, landing at nearly the same time on parallel runways. The runway centerline is simply a white stripe down the middle of the runway.

What are threshold markings on a runway?

(AIM, page 2-3-16) Runway threshold markings are white stripes running parallel to the centerline of the runway just beyond the actual runway threshold (or displaced threshold) that help identify the beginning of the landing runway (Figure 7). Figure 7. Basic Runway Markings at a Major Airport (Runway 4 Left, JFK, New York)