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How do satellites send signals back to Earth?

How do satellites send signals back to Earth?

Satellites communicate by using radio waves to send signals to the antennas on the Earth. The antennas then capture those signals and process the information coming from those signals.

Which type of antenna is used by the earth station?

A principal telecommunications device of the ground station is the parabolic antenna. Ground stations may have either a fixed or itinerant position.

How does an antenna send a signal?

How a transmitter sends radio waves to a receiver.

  1. Electricity flowing into the transmitter antenna makes electrons vibrate up and down it, producing radio waves.
  2. The radio waves travel through the air at the speed of light.
  3. When the waves arrive at the receiver antenna, they make electrons vibrate inside it.
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Which antenna is used as receiving antenna?

Basic types of antennas Yagi antenna – consists of an active antenna and a number of passive antennas, serving as directors or reflectors. This type of antenna is used mainly for transmission and reception of FM radio and TV broadcasting.

What is a satellite antenna called?

Parabolic antennas referred to as “dish” antennas had been in use long before satellite television. The term satellite dish was coined in 1978 during the beginning of the satellite television industry, and came to refer to dish antennas that send and/or receive signals from communications satellites.

Which type of antenna is used?

Antenna Theory – Types of Antennas

Type of antenna Examples
Wire Antennas Dipole antenna, Monopole antenna, Helix antenna, Loop antenna
Aperture Antennas Waveguide (opening), Horn antenna
Reflector Antennas Parabolic reflectors, Corner reflectors
Lens Antennas Convex-plane, Concave-plane, Convex-convex, Concaveconcave lenses