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How do subatomic particles stay together?

How do subatomic particles stay together?

The strong force binds quarks together within protons, neutrons, and other subatomic particles. Rather as the electromagnetic force is ultimately responsible for holding bulk matter together, so the strong force also keeps protons and neutrons together within atomic nuclei.

Do subatomic particles have shape?

Elementary particles like quarks and leptons are considered to be pointlike so without any detectable shape. With buclei as subatomic particles is another story as they have a well defined shape which can be studied experimentally.

Which subatomic particle builds up in an object?

When the negative charges move to a neutral object, an electric charge builds up on both objects. The first object has an overall positive charge, and the second has an overall negative charge. When an object gains electrons, it has a surplus of electrons and is said to have a negative charge.

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What subatomic particles are moving to create charged objects?

Electric charge is carried by subatomic particles such as electrons and protons, which can be created and destroyed. For example, when particles are destroyed, equal numbers of positive and negative charges are destroyed, keeping the net amount of charge unchanged.

Are subatomic particles perfect spheres?

They are supposed to be pointlike, so they actually have no shape, but they act like spheres in the sense that their fields are perfectly isotropic, i.e. the same in any direction.

How do charges move?

The movement of a static charge out of an object is known as static discharge. When a charge moves, it transfers energy that can be used to do work. The attraction of the unbalanced electrons in the first object to the unbalanced protons in the second object can cause the electrons to move to the second object.

How do you solve subatomic particles?

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To calculate the numbers of subatomic particles in an atom, use its atomic number and mass number: number of protons = atomic number. number of electrons = atomic number.

What subatomic particle holds the nucleus together?

The strong force binds quarks together in clusters to make more-familiar subatomic particles, such as protons and neutrons. It also holds together the atomic nucleus and underlies interactions between all particles containing quarks. The strong force originates in a property known as colour.

Why do atoms repel and move apart?

This tends not to happen, because atoms are composed of charged particles that interact at a distance. Since the electrons are around the outside of the atom, those are the things that first interact, and as they have the same charge, they repel one another.
